
Gluten free recipes?

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I work at an after-school program for elementary kids with disabilities, and I have to come up with some cooking lesson plans. One of the kids in the program has autism and will soon be on a gluten free diet. What are some healthy recipe ideas that taste really good and are gluten free that I can use so that the child can be included with the cooking activities?

Many thanks!




  1. Gluten Free Chocolate Cherry Nut No Cook Cake

    125g butter or dairy free margarine

    75g golden syrup

    200g dark chocolate

    150g gluten free plain biscuits

    50g whole walnuts

    50g sultanas

    50g dried cherries

    Line a 20x8cm loaf tin with greaseproof paper.

    Melt the butter or dairy free margarine with the syrup, over a low heat until the begin to gently boil.

    Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a pan suspended in boiling water. Take care to avoid getting water into the chocolate otherwise it affects the setting. When the chocolate is melted and the butter and syrup hot, combine into one bowl.

    Break the biscuits up into large chunks and the broken biscuits, walnuts, sultanas and cherries

    to the liquid mixture. Mix thoroughly to ensure everything is coated with chocolate, then pour into the lined loaf tin. Chill for 3 hours and cut into 1cm slices to serve.

    Chocolate brownies

    Makes 16 pieces


    200g unsalted butter, chopped

    200g dark chocolate, broken into pieces

    1 cup brown sugar

    3 eggs, lightly beaten

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    3/4 cup gluten-free plain flour

    2 tablespoons cocoa powder


    Preheat oven to 190°C. Line a 5cm deep, 18cm (base) square cake pan with non-stick baking paper.

    Heat butter, chocolate and sugar in a saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until melted and smooth. Transfer to a heatproof bowl. Set aside to cool slightly.

    Add eggs and vanilla to chocolate mixture. Mix well. Sift flour and cocoa over chocolate mixture. Stir to combine.

    Pour brownie mixture into pan. Bake for 20 minutes or until just set. Set aside to cool. Once cooled, lift out. Wrap in plastic wrap. Place into an airtight container. Stand for 1 day. Cut into pieces. Serve.

  2. As a suggestion (maybe you already have), post this question in the "Food and Drink" section of Yahoo! Answers--you are more like to get people who know about gluten-free.

    But: can't you do fruit/veggies?  Gluten is grain, right?--especially wheat?

  3. There are lots of gluten free recipes which are easy to make with kid participation.

    One major issue to remember is cross-contamination issues -- especially with children 'helping'.  Anyone with a special dietary need has to avoid that food product in all forms.  Watch for using the same bow, spoon, cutting board, etc. with gluten containing products and for gluten free products.

    Here is one great recipe you could make with the children:

    Popcorn Balls

    2 1/2 quarts popped popcorn (or 1/2 cup unpopped with 2 T oil and popped in popcorn popper or stove top)

    6 tablespoons butter

    5 cups miniature marshmallows

    Pop popcorn if not using pre-popped popcorn

    Melt butter and marshmallows in the microwave (or on the stove top) stirring constantly. Pour marshmallow mixture over popcorn and mix with spoon to coat evenly.

    Cool until cool enough to touch. Smear butter on your hands or spray with non-stick cooking spray. Mix and form into balls.

    Another recipe:


    2 cups fresh ripe but firm peach slices

    4 medium banana, sliced

    2 cups red seedless grapes, optional

    4 tablespoon lemon juice

    8 tablespoons granulated sugar

    2 cups flaked coconut

    Combine peaches, banana, grapes, lemon juice, and sugar. Chill for about 1 hour. Eat! Serves 12

  4. hi!! im gluten-intolerant and i completely understand where your coming from.  you can really make just about any recipe with gluten free substitutions.  for any recipe calling flour substitute it w/ rice flour or corn flour or potato flour or even buckwheat flour.  you can easily throw together some fruits for a fruit salad, or make a vegie tray.  pasta salads are easy meals to make and you can buy gluten free pasta, it's a little on the expensive side but it makes a great subsitution.  i don't really have any recipes b/c i just use substitutions.  good luck!! and im soo happy your including this one childs special diet b/c it can be very hard for young kids to understand why they can't have what the other kids are eating. ohh i completely forgot the best one, rice crispy treats!!!   i don't have the exact recipe for that but i know its on the back of the rice crispy box.
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