Glyndwr University’s seals £1.8 million deal to purchase Wrexham
Racecourse Stadium
Glyndwr University has signed a contract to purchase Racecourse Stadium for £1.8 million in a deal made on August 4, which will be a source of relief for the Crusaders, who are going through turbulent times.
The Crusaders, who are winding up their term with Super League, are in turbulent times as the club has pulled itself out of the Super League licensing process for the next three years. This decision by the Welsh club was made as it was financially strained
and could not afford to march into next years Super League deal.
This deal has been made to utilise the ground for training purposes. This way it will continue to fulfil the purpose of a sports venue for Wrexham and north east Wales. It will allow the conservation of the facility, both as a training ground and sports
The Crusaders Rugby League and Wrexham Football Club (Wrexham FC) are to benefit from this deal, as it will grant them with a facility to continue their training sessions. The venue will still be used for sports activities.
The Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of Glyndwr University, Professor Michael Scott said "This purchase has been made to secure the future of the stadium and the training ground for Wrexham and north east Wales as a sports venue. It is the University's
intention that by securing both facilities, Wrexham football club will be able to continue to use the facilities and that the same might also apply for the Crusaders Rugby League. The purchase is made in the context of the University's continued development
of higher education programmes related to sport."
It was further revealed that the purchase has been made to provide for the sports facility to the university student body. It was also clarified that the same facility may be used by the residents of Wrexham and the north-east Wales.
The much talked about purchase is not only attracting attention of the Glyndwr University’s student body but it is unanimously welcomed by everyone who resides in that vicinity, with the Crusaders and Wrexham FC topping the list.