
Gmail question??? Very annoying problem..?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I've had my gmail for almost 7 months

And all of a sudden starting last month, BAMN! i started getting TONS OF SPAM in my Inbox?

So i was like wtf?

I clicked Report Spam but nothing seems to help. They keep ending up in my inbox

Any solutions?





  1. That's never happened to me, but I'm scared it will some day, as I get tons of spam. First, try to remember any website you've recently signed up your email for- mabey you could unsucscribe. Try to find the link at the bottom of the email that says "If you wish not to recieve emails from us, click here". If there is no link, try sending a email to customer service. And if all that fails, you should probably get a new adress :(.

    Good luck!

  2. you can go to "settings" on the top right hand corner, and then into "filters" and set up your filters to receive only from approved sources.  

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