
Go back and be born in ANY year? What year would you chose?

by  |  earlier

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If you could go back and be born in any year what would it be and why?

I would go back and be born in 1950 so as of today this would be August 2, 1968.

I would love to be old enough to experience the things that really shaped the moden USA. Seeing Kennedy win, see him die, watch MLK's I Have a Dream speech on TV, watch Bobby at the Roosevelt Hotel accepting his win before he died, watch on the news when MLK died, watch the Voting Rights Act go into effect, watch all the Vietnam stuff, experience GOOD music.

The music of 1965-1979 was the best I THINK of any decade or time period. All the songs were meaningful of what was going on in the world.

I'd be old enough to see all of that and still not too old to see modern day stuff. Cellphones, CDs, computers at home, the internet, 2000, etc




  1. i dont know i would go back to like the late 19th early 20th century to see what there lives were really like so i guess like maybeeeee

    somthing around then!

  2. I would be born sometime in the 1820's to sail with Sir John Franklin aboard the H.M.S. Terror (fateful expedition) and talk to Petty Officer John Shaw Torrington who I find to be very interesting to look at in National Geographic Magazine: Ice Mummies section. Plus I would want to see the begining  and end of daguerreotype photography. I need to ask John Adams Whipple a few questions about exposure times and crayon dag effects for portraites. I already use iodine, bromine, and hot mercury to make a picture. My images either come out too light or too dark. i need that "perfect" in between look!

  3. I would born in the 60's to be a youngman in the 70's.   The girls were really hot in that decade ;)

  4. 1900 - to be of age when the suffrage movement was at its height, to be able to make a difference as a woman in the war, to be part of the exciting Roaring 20's as a young person, but to be a middle aged person in the 2nd see how quickly things changed in the 20th century...and to probably make it to the 80's

  5. 01/01/0000. great isn't it.

  6. I want to be born at about the same time as my Lord Jesus Christ (and also in any one of the nearby regions where he was born) and later come to accept him as my personal Saviour in my heart. I would like to witness his dying on the cross to save us from our sins.

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