
Go for #4? my wife and i need help on deciding on another child

by  |  earlier

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mulitples run in our family i am a twin and she is part of a quad. we already have a set of twins, so it might happen again.




  1. well it matters how old your children are and if you think youll have a hard time. Also if your really old dont because then your child might see you die when thier like 16

  2. i think its a great idea


  4. depends on their ages, your income and how willing you guys are to start all over again and what happens if they're twins. Would you guys be up to parenting twins on top of the three you've already got? If the answer is yes.. then by all means go ahead!

    Good Luck!

  5. If you have the time , space and money then go for it! If not don't!

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