
Go kart assistance.?

by  |  earlier

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My friend wanted to make a go kart, but i told him a gas engine is way too high priced for the money he makes. (he's 11, he makes around $200 a year i think.) So, I suggested solar power or wind power or a chargeable engine or peddle power or something. i am not the smartest guy around, so perhaps someone here can help me. (I really would like to help my friend out.) (Weather your answer works or not, i'm giving everyone that takes the time to help me a thumb up. Thank you for your time!)




  1. alturnatives aside from petal power would cost more then a gas engine.  I built a go cart using an edger engion from a local lawnb mower repair shop.  That only cost 40 bucks for a used one.  For a small go cart you only need like 2 or 3 hp.  Mine had a 3 hp and it went 40 mph or so.  You also need a frame, tires, and chain drive and gears, and a cintrifical clutch.  

    Another slower cheper vertion is to convert the motor from an old electric wheel chair into a go cart.  I built on of those liek 10 years ago, and they generaly wil run on a 12 v car battery.

    Anythign solar or wind will be a lot more money.  To make a sail car, you would have to take like a boat and since car dont spin from the middle or rear they dont tack well.  you could certainly try it, but i think you would be hard pressesd to get a sail tall enough without the car tipping over.

    I would recomend, tell him to save his 200 bucks and buy the folowing:

    used Edger engine with shaft on side (40-80 bucks)

    go cart frame from a junk yard (40 bucks max)

    tires, probaly can find at the fle market or off an old hand truck or somthing.  (no more then 5 buckes/tire)

    Gear to mount on one rear tire. (10 bucks or so)

    Chain to attach to motor (5 bucks)

    Cyntrifical clutch.  this is needed to allow the go cart to not move durring idle.  you will need to adjust the idle ont he go cart to be stoped at idle and go when you barly touch the gas.(About 40 bucks)

    Choke cable to attach trotal to engion. (10 bucks)

    Brake system, I used 2 blocks of wood on a lever hitting the rear wheels when i pressed the brake patle. (10 bucks)

    good luck.  that brings you to $155.00...if he really wants one he'll be willign to save up.  For parts like the chain and cytrifical cluch go to  type in clutch to the search

    aside from the engion, you will need al these parts regardless of the tyype of go cart you build.

  2. There is allot of information that would help in suggesting an answer. I will try to assist with what you have.

    1) solar power - a 100 watt panel, enough for one light bulb, is about $500, one battery $40.  One one hp motor $100.

    2) wind power - the average wind surfer car runs more than $2,000

    My suggestion would be One Battery charger $40 two batteries $80.  One one hp motor $100. Or take apart moms Vacuum cleaner.  The motor on it will run slowly on one Battery and faster on two batteries in series. He could use dad's charger and get out of that expense.

    He could also try a junked weedeater.

  3. I built a go kart when I was in grade school it cost about 200 dollars total and it was not all at once.

    I was an ongoing prozect, it took about 3 months in a summer and I offset the cost with a paper route and working at a pumpkin patch.  I am not sure if thes available where you live but it was a fun project.  You will need an engine with a horizontal shaft so you can hook a chain to it.  This can usually be purchased second hand in the paper, e-bay or craigs list.  You may be able to get one at a hardware store if you look a bit.

    the frame is tough to build if you build it but it is relatively cheap if you buy it from one of the above mentioned sources.

    The most important thing is to have fun doing it your only young once and you will never know unless you do it!!!
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