
Go out and have fun or stay home and do something useful?

by  |  earlier

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It's my last bit of time to myself for a good while....what would you do?




  1. If its the last bit of time to your self then make the most of it and go out. Y stay in? You can stay in and do something useful another time. Plenty more days to stay in. I'd go out..

  2. Go out and have ALOT of fun. Enjoy yourself while you can.

  3. Whatever is going to make you happy, i'd be straight out! x*x

  4. I'm a go out person. I leave the chores for another time.  

  5. It depends. Which would you like more?

    If you usually spend a lot of time alone and enjoy it, then go for it!

  6. Go and enjoy yourself!

  7. Knock one off/Flick the bean

  8. Go Out!! you only live once!!

  9. do some useful stuff then go out. Or relax at home and have you-time whilst or as well as doing something useful!

  10. Go out and party while you can cause when your busy you dont have time for anything just ask me !


  11. Go out and have is too short not to.

  12. Well if it's the last time to your self go out and have some fun,  you will always be able to stay home and do usefull stuff but going out and having fun isn't some thing you can do all the time so go have some fun :)

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