
Go straight into a lucid dream

by Guest33096  |  earlier

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When I fall asleep at 10 aclock at night. How do I jump straight in to a lucid dream?




  1. Well, there are many methods as you might have already noticed just by searching with yahoo or google. The one I´v found most effective is the use of binaural beats. However, most people - including me - trigger lucid dreams with binaural beats by playing the recordings when falling to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night.

    What I do is that I go to sleep at around 10, then set the alarm to wake up around 3, and then fall back asleep while listening to a binaural beat recording.

    You can learn about binaural beat recordings at - they do a really good job at explaining what they are and they recommend places to download the tracks.  

  2. Are you eating late, or just before bedtime?  Usually, if i eat late at night, I have real monsters and things trying to kill me.  Or at one time, I actually felt someone kissing me and fondling me.  It was so real I woke up scared and began to pray.

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