
Go swimming? or stay at home??

by  |  earlier

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i am just recently getting over pneumonia, and 2morrow my friend is having a pool party. what can i do!! i wanna go to the party but i dont want to get sick again




  1. Depending on how you feel, you could go to the party but not swim.

  2. you only live once so live it to the fullest...if you have truly "gotten over" the illness then it won't be a problem unless someone around you has it as well....however i would suggest not getting your face or head wet or be careful not to swallow water because that is pneumonia ,fluid buildup in the lungs.

  3. I think you should go. take your suit and hang on the pool deck and if you feel like going in you can go just explain to your friend that is having the pool party that you just want to hang low since you just got over a sickness. I think your friends will understand that you just got over a sickness.

  4. Well if you really want to go to the party... you can go and just wear long sleeves or short sleeves with a sweater and jeans of course... so you don't get sick. If they are going swimming you don't have to go in... just sit in the pool deck and chat! You'll still have fun. I wouldn't jeperdice it by going in the pool though. But have fun girly...

  5. I wouldnt go you dont want to get sick. Ask your friend if you could just have a party with her sometime!

    Hope I helped :)

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