
Go to Uni this september or next?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, up until now i was deffered to start my course next year due to it being full, however now that someone has dropped out ive been given the chance to start this september. Being it very last minuite there is no places available in the halls of residence, therefore i would have to look for private accomodation. Would it be worth waiting another year for the experience of being in the halls of residence with other first year students or sharing private accomadation with 4 other students this year? Would private accomodation cause me to be more isolated and ruin alot of the experience in uni?




  1. hmmm tough one.  theres no denying that being in halls gives you the chance to meet a lot of people very quickly.  but halls are not for everyone, and some people find they dont like them and they move out

    if youre an outgoing person then i think youd be fine going this year.  but if not, or if you really want to do the halls thing, then maybe its best to wait

    have you contacted the uni accommodation office to see if theres any places available in any of the halls?

    or maybe you could get a place in a hall that isnt owned by the university?  i went to manchester and theres loads of independent halls there

  2. defer til next september,

    in first year, halls of residence would be great and you can use this year to travel or work to ease the cost of uni

    have fun

  3. wait til next year, private residence would be the death of you, costs **** loads

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