My goal is to become an airline pilot. I have 150 total time. I have all of my hours for my instrument rating but have not flown for 5 months. Even 5 months ago with about 20 hours of instrument instruction I didn't feel confident in my IFR flying ability. I am thinking about going to an academy that is paired up with my college in order to finish up my certificate. The only bad thing is that I would have to start from scratch. I know it would be stupid because of the money that will be spent, but I feel that I need the structure of the college flight training to become a proficient instrument pilot ( I do have confidence problems). I think I could and should finish at the FBO, but since I am over 100 hours shy to get my commercial ticket, and student loans with better terms are more available with the college I feel like it could be an option. What do you all think?