
Go veg to help stop global warming?

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Are vegetarians taking advantage of global warming to push an agenda?

Look at this ad:

Shouldn't people become vegetarian not through guilt?




  1. bahahah..

  2. I'm not a scientist enough to verify that vegetarians could stop the global warming, but...

    Certainly extreme meat eating, livestock industries and deforestation will surely accelerate the global warming, and other global issues altogether.

  3. I am a vegetarian person.Based on my knowledge,I conceive if everyone eat vegetables and don't eat meat,it would be a literally great pleasure!No animals nor fishes are being killed.However,there seems to be one  disadvantage,which is that vegetables will be decreased in number greatly,Unless they come up with GM food!

  4. Teehee ...Youtube..

    I'm a vegetarian for many reasons.. But a lot of people forget that being a vegetarian really is a luxury.  Eating meat really is a 'natural' thing.. without it we probably would have died out a helluv a long time ago. Granted there are some ancient peoples that didn't eat much meat and turned out fine, but there are others that weren't and still aren't able to eat anything but meat because they need it to survive.

    It's okay to stand up for what you believe in, but in today's world everything gets pushed beyond the limits. I'm happy that I even have the choice to be vegetarian and I'm leaving it at that.

    Secondly, nothing's really going to stop global warming. Sure, we may be able to limit our contribution, but the earth will do what it's gonna do and global warming will probably snowball.. Mother Earth is very good at healing herself, but I doubt any humans can actually stop global warming without s******g something else up.

    :] So much faith in my race.

    *I fft at my horrible sentences and usage of "global warming" in each sentence at 3 am....*

    Have fun.

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