
Goa Death who in there right mind....?

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Would leave a fifteen year old daughter with a local man while you go off traveling for 'several weeks' How insane is this world!!!




  1. There you said it your self mate....Who in their right mind???

    That person was not in their right mind when they left their 15yr old daughter with a local man. She did that and now she is facing the consequences Did you see the picture in the news of the woman. She looks like a drug user. Its all a joke.Truly insane

  2. It is tragic, but what parent would leave a 15 year old to go to pubs etc.   This is becoming a common thing....will they ever learn?

  3. You do have to wonder, 6 month holidays at 15? Unsupervised in a bar at night in one of the dodgiest tourist places (going by the last couple of years anyway) on the planet at 15? Someone needs their head examining... I believe there are 7 other siblings too?! Happy for people to believe in all the flower power they can get, but a sense of reality doesn't take long and goes a long way.

    I wouldn't blame the whole world though... just some of the people in it.

  4. If she had been with her child where she belongs instead of wh0ring her way around India then her child would probably be alive today. Anyway, why was she away from school for six months and does that mean the other five kids haven't been to school for six months?

    I bet the mother does a "McCann" and its everyones fault and she is to shoulder no burden what-so-ever.


  5. I have stayed on Anjuna beach twice and there are some very nice local people there people I am happy to call friends. This beach atracts back packers from all over the world to party all night and can really be a great place to stay. This woman (I find it difficult to call her a mother) left her daughter at the age of fifteen with a twenty five year old man in an enviroment that although not really dangerous to most adults, would certainly not be the place to leave her alone. Its a bit like letting her wander soho by herself at night and the only person who is responsible for her death is her so called mother.

  6. nev ...we as society have created this ...yes not taking responsibility has become the way of life .

    prime example ...child molester --- bad childhood --parents fault

    picked this one for its intensity

    line a few of them up against a wall ....and it only cost a bullet

    in jail they are housed seperatly , educated ,recieve therapy at our cost ....and when released end up doing it again ....who's the joke on , eliminate from society this crime is demonic and sick and saddest of all is the life the child may of had if this cruel thing did not take place

  7. I did wonder the same thing myself.  Apparently, the 15 year old was in a bar, in the early hours of the morning, prior to her death.  It is still a terrible tragedy.

  8. It made me wonder how on earth she could afford a six month holiday with eight kids, ON BENEFITS. I'm so pleased my taxes are going to a worthy recipient who is putting them to good use.

    For neglecting her 15 year old, she should be sharing a cell with the McCanns.

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