
Goals for new school year?

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Do you guys have any goals?

Mine is to be more confident, make new friends who aren't backstabber and who don't use me, join the track team, so do a lot more better in math class since I barely passes for the past 2 years.




  1. get better grades

  2. Goals for Me in Order:

    1. Make A team in Volleyball! PLEASEEE GODDD! Ha.

    2. Make more friends.

    3.Get straight A's or all A's and one B (Oh God please!  I did last yeaR!)

    4. Get help in Math and at least get a B!!!

    5. Be more outgoing.

    5. Maybe join track

  3. I want to do everything i haven't in the past 3 years and make memories with all of my friends!

  4. Susie's goals for the 2oo8-2oo9 year. 9th grade

    since i'm going to a new school (high school)

    i plan on making a good name for myself

    making some [good] new friends.

    keeping good grades.

    and maybe join

    a sport


  5. mikki's school goals for 2008-09

    -not almost fail math, keep an A

    -fail to listen to drama

    -NOT WRITE NOTES, (ohh good times)

    -listen in class

    -do my best

    -take school BEFORE sports

    -get with my guy and stir up some trouble (not like that, but yess me and andy are SWEET)

    ahhh, yess 8th grade is going to be my best yet

  6. I want to make the cheerleading and volleyball teams again and make all a'a and b's!

  7. Yes, of course I have goals!!

    Me Goals-2oo8-2oo9 school year

    (going to the 7th grade)

    Be more confident

    Make new friends

    (me...u so much alike)

    and be more nicer

  8. NOT TO FAIL!!!

  9. 08-09 Goals:

    -tone my body more

    -get more special parts for dance recitals

    -keep a gpa of AT LEAST 3.5

    -try getting a babysitting job while juggling 10 hours of dance and school

  10. mine are:

    continue getting highest honors

    make some new friends

    lose 15-20 lbs

    learn to talk to more people

    get my learner's permit to drive =D

  11. That sounds like a great plan, because you can not ever go wrong while you are in school, learning all the important things you'll need to know when you're out in the world, its good join track, or whatever else you are interested in, it will make the year go faster, and you'll have more fun,as far as kids who are back-stabbers, screen your friends! In other words: pick your friends that have the same interests as you, and they are not really trying to go up a totem pole(get ahead trying to use people to get what they want), and just have fun!

  12. My main goal is to do better acedemically (eventhough I am in honours). I want to reach my maximum potential and do some voluntary work in a hospital. =)

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