
Goat horns?

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can i cut off a goats horns? I got a goat with horns and I am afraid that she will get caught in the fence. she is a purebred Boer




  1. Help! My goat has a deformed horn that is approaching going right into his eye. After reading all the above about not dehorning.... he will die if I dont stop the horn from going into his eye. what is the best way to do this?


  2. A friend of mine recently got a goat that was not dehorned.  I trim her horses feet and she asked me to trim his horns.  She does not want them removed, she would just like the sharp ends taken off so he does not accidentally injure a horse, dog, or child.  I do not want to do it unless it is safe and painless for the goat.  I have been serching the web but all of the information I am finding is about removal or trimming the horn buds.  Does anyone know of a good source of information on the regular trimming/filing of existing goat horns?  It would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Our goat is not eating and has extrememe pan when u touch his horns, they do not seem damaged other than shedding of the older layer of the horn.

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