The question is misleading I only wanted your attention. I have a suggestion for all people, in order to create a more peaceful environment, instead of speaking against someone's beliefs, which makes people very angry, and causes them to feel attacked. Why not, answer their religious question to the best of your knowledge and then "but I personally believe..." I've seen so many people not necessarily attacking other people's religions but just saying it is wrong and putting it down. I also see the same thing happening with religious against non-religious people. I believe many people are creating a domino effect of anger and prejudice that not only exists on Yahoo Answers, but is also carried into their life. Please I ask you to try this for just one day, I'm asking people of all beliefs to join in. I want everyone to see what a different place they can create just with kindness. Please if you decide to follow this, and you see someone putting another belief down, please send them a link to this question. (because i belief it would but a bit much work to explain it yourself, though you can of course explain it yourself)
Thank You to anyone that takes anything away from this.