
God's plan and free will?

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There was a question like this on Y!A, but I didn't really get a satisfying answer.

So when Christians say God has many great plans for their future, it means he will manipulate their lives in some ways. Right? Just like God hardened Paraoh's heart when Moses was asking him for the freedom of Jews.

But then how can one say God is providing him a free will? And in order to fulfill the prophecies, somebody's life need to be manipulated too, right? I just don't get it at all.




  1. You just have to have faith in God. Christians say that God gave us free will and intelligence so that we could make our own choices but when you start using your intelligence by asking questions, their  standard answer is "just have faith".

    I say keep asking questions, the more you ask, the less sense the bible makes.

  2. wot i have realized is that god gets u doing stuff that u really deep down love.

  3. Hello,

    Great question. I can't answer for everyone, but here is what I think people mean when they say "God has great plans for their future."

    They are referring to 2 things. 1 is His promise of justice & everlasting life. The fact that He controls all matter and will grant eternal life to people that follow His word.

    The 2nd thing is the fact that if you follow His word, things will generally be better off in your life. Granted, you still have trouble and problems here and there, and yes we all have to die, but generally speaking, a person who follows it will generally be happer (and even live longer according to most studies).

    God does provide free will. In instances that you are referring to where He hardened pharaoh's heart, what this means is that He simply allowed pharaoh's heart to be fully aware of all the negative reasons not to let the Israelites go. He did this for one reason, He had to show the Egyptions and Israelites that He was God. He did this so He could show the plagues to the people, and defeat the Egyptian God's in the process (such as the god of the sun, etc.)

    It doesn't mean He in any way controlled pharaoh, but merely revealed His foreknowledge that Pharaoh's heart would reject Moses' request. Therefore God is simply stating, that He already know Pharaoh will not honor the request, because his heart has been hardened.

  4. God has a plan for all of us...but that doesn't mean it happens.....If you don't believe in God or you don't want to follow His plan, you are using your free will to do so.

  5. This is much too complex of a question to answer on Yahoo Answers. I suggest you get a book on the subject. But to give you the bottom line, God knows what choices you will make but He doesn't manipulate you into making them. Even though God knows what answers you will be making before you ever make them, you are still making the choices.  

  6. No free will, just election. Read your Bible, if you don't have one, Buy one. It is the most important book you will ever own.

  7. As a believer, we submit our lives and plan to God's plans for our lives.  We know that He knows all and knows what is best and what will bring us happiness.  It does not mean that everything is sweet and rosy through our lives, but in the end there is great joy and peace.

  8. That is what I say if on one hand you have free will why do you need to go to church and live your life in fear of the Bible

    I believe in the Free Will and know I use my free will and live with no fear only with Love knowing my own right from wrong

    We all plan our lives before we are born it is our blue print to life and the proof of that is within the palms of our hands

    Love & Blessings


  9. God just lets you do what you want to do. The way he hardens your heart, he lets you harden your heart. If he wished, he could stop you.

    God is sovereign, he can let us do as we want, but all things fit into his grand plan. God let Pharaoh do as he wished, but God could have soften Pharaoh heart, but God had plans to use Pharaoh's actions. There still is the Passover.

  10. No.

    It means that within God's heart and ability is to provide the best for each one of us. This is His plan.

    In large part, Pharaoh hardened his own heart against God's plans and it lead to his and his army's (his follower's) destruction.

  11. Hey- He gave you "Life"!  He has the right to ask you to live for His purpose!  But the significant word here is "ask".  He does not manipulate anyone's life.  This is what people do to each other!

    He is already closing ears and eyes to the truth, now.  For those who refuse to see and hear, they will not, from now on!  He will let them live of their own free will.  Woe unto them, in these days!

    When the time comes that things begin to get 'really' ugly and people are crying out to God for help, He will say to them, "I know you not!"

    He gave all of us an equal chance to see the truth!

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