
God's plan? do u agree?

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Tsunami, war, bird flu, earthquakes, terorist. so far these are 5 things that can wipe a huge amount of us. is it god's plan? is it his way to reduce the over populated earth? Is he sick with a lot of us?

give me your idea on this.




  1. Um there's always been things that can wipe out a lot of us. Just look at the Black plague, or at Democrat Incompetance. And there's also things that wipe out a small number. The Earth is unbalanced, nature has never had a species dominate in such a way as we have...and it is probably trying to reset itselft, to correct the imbalance.

    When ants overpopulate in the Rainforest, seemingly unstoppable,

    parasitic fungi evolve which prey on them.

    Trust not to faith since it has saved no one.

  2. I don't think that it is Gods plan but it could be Gods warning to us that we need to stop doing the things that we are doing.

    Gods name is Mercy and Gods name is Love, to say that he is sick of us doesn't make sense. What makes sense though is he is tired of our sins and wants us to repent so that when he comes the population of the world will be reduced, just before it is destroyed.

  3. NO, this is not Gods plan. Gods plan is to save as many souls as possible not to eliminate people who have not of been saved. In the bible it says that when they were taking Jesus Christ to the cross God could of called all of his Angels down to Earth to fight for Jesus so if God wanted to reduce the Population of the Earth. But now Jesus died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. We are sinners but God comming down from heaven to become Jesus and Die on the cross he does not want to destroy man, he is dispencing GRACE and LOVE.

  4. I agree that we would probably not understand why God does a lot of things until we have the true opportunity to ask him. We all do have our time, however, and it may be up tomorrow, or the next second, or in a few years time. God has a plan for every single one of us and we should trust Him, because He has plans for our success and not for disaster. Some things we don't realise is that we are also bringing most of these upon ourselves. Humans are the cause of it. Without us, there would be less of those things.

  5. why would that be God's agenda for humanity,frankly i can

    not agree with your statement,and this is kind of tricky question,some sort or the other it leads to "The  Ceasear"


    Genisis 1:28 "Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.”  

    *So his purpose was not to destroy* the bible teaches he care for us ( read 1peter 5:7) He hates wickedness...,say s (readIsaiah 55: 8, 9) why we he be the cause of suffering?...

    Read 1john 5: 19 and Revalation 12:9 to learn who is this cause of all these Tsunami's, wars, diseases, earthquakes, terorists...  this is not god's plan....Hope read and understand let me know if you need me to type out the scriptures...

  7. I really can't imagine that if there is a god that he would "plan" any of those things.

  8. No, I think it is all just science.

  9. Gods plan was for us to govern ourselves , and to see if people could actually maintain harmonious world. He is so sick with us by now, he has probably given up, and left us to destroy ourselves.

  10. hey

    should have mentioned aids or cancer instead of bird flu


    yeah ecological imbalances due to explosive growth of population has to be countered

    so these kind of phenomena take place

    me firm believer in mother nature

    each natural disaster is a wake up call for humanity

    we are still around some billion years from wipeout

    acc to quantum physics

  11. Yes, I believe it is God's plan since it is written in the book of Revelations that at the end of the world there are going to be natural disasters (tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes), sickness and diseases (bird flu, cancer, HIV), war (terrorism and political problems among nations) and lack of water (the glaciers in the North Pole are melting, causing drinkable water to decrease). As you can see all of these things are going on right now; and this is just the beginning....

  12. I don't really want to believe that God has planned to kill me.

    But, I tend to believe that is part of our own destruction of this planet that we live on, for global warming is one issue that can and is realted to the things you listed above.

    I just learned of the theory cell phone tranmissions interrupt honey bee's ability to navigate.  That scares me, I don't use a cell phone anymore anyway.

    I have mobile Vonage on a laptop connected to my computer and I have a regular cordless phone in my vehicle.

    My phone bill is 20.00 per month.

  13. Why suffer the crime when it can be prevented?

    Tsunami           :Don't live next to the sea

    war                   : Don't live in a warzone

    bird flu              : Don't live near any poultry farms

    earthquakes    : Don't live on a fault line e.g. Japan

    terorist.             : Don't go to Cities

    Job done. Now youre not gonna get killed.

  14. sounds right to me although god states that they will be plagues as in the bible... so mabey this is just the start of tribulation and such...

  15. Tsunami's are caused usually by tectonic activity.

    War is caused by Man's pride and greed.

    Bird flu was caused by unsanitary conditions in an overpopulated place.

    Terrorism is caused by extremist organizations that feel they need to be heard in a big way.

    Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of the crustal plates of the planet.

    War, terrorism , and perhaps even bird flu may be prevented by man, if we can focus on what is good and righteous for just a moment.

    Earthquakes and tsunamis are unfortunately uncontrollable by man. The best we can do is prepare for them.

    Even if something larger than us really does exist. (you call it god) We still have the option of free will. We are not puppets.

    God is not practicing population control. He is not plotting against us.

    Stop worrying and start celebrating, appreciating, and living your life.

  16. A Tsunami is a natural event having to do with the movements of tectonic plates in the Ocean and is part of a natural geological process. War, is a man-made phenomenon that we cuase ourselves out irrational fears and dogma (usually inspired by religion, intolerance, or resource competition due to an unequitable distribution of wealth). Bird Flu is not a human disease as it currently only affects poultry birds and their wild counterparts. It is part of the natural competition or struggle for survival that underpines all biological life. In this case a virus is attempting to pass on its genes through the parasitic relationship to other host organisms. It currently does not remain a threat to humans. Earthquakes again are a natural geological phenomenon and have nothing to do with theological explanations. Terrorism again a human made event cuased by irrational fears, religious fanaticism, and social competition. Overpopulation is normally curbed by three things, predation from other species (which humans no longer contend with), disease due to close proximity to disease carrying host bodies (living in close proximity to other people who can get sick), and resource failures (caused by an exhaustion of available resources), combined these things usually do the trick at eliminating large population numbers. Howver humans are no longer predated on by other animals, we have developed medicine which makes it harder for diseases to kill us, and has also taken us out of the process of natural selection, and finally many of our technologies and more efficient uses of technology have made resources more available and are helping to prevent their overuse, all of which makes it possible for our numbers to outstrip our productivity. None of this has to do with some divine plan but merely the natural unfolding of the Universe. Therefore if there is a God than it certainly wouldn't want to punish us because it simply couldn't. God doesn't have an Ego, only humans do, it is hard for us to imagine a God who doesn't behave like a human being because it is the only model we have to go on. God does not punish anyone or anything, God is not moral, it just IS! Good and Evil are subjective human constructions in response to objective amoral events. Do us all a favor and ask a question with a little more thought next time and stop blaming something outside of nature for the world's problems! Most of them we created ourselves and for the others, we have no control over. God could care less, she is too busy making love to everything to be concerned with what we are doing!

  17. I think (Not God), that he's leaving the plan up to us until we get it right.

  18. These are examples of  complete indifference.It's no plan, just the nature of our planet.The Earth doesn't care or or even know that we're here.

  19. If a god had a plan, how would us mere mortals be able to comprehend it? How arrogant to think we could. Maybe these things are being done because God wants a ham sandwich.

  20. No.

    DISASTER :: Cause

    TSUNAMI :: Nature (only kills people nearby)

    WAR :: People

    DISEASE :: Nature (exaggerated by over population)

    EARTHQUAKE :: Nature (only kills people nearby)

    TERRORIST :: Stupid People

    FAMINE :: Nature (exaggerated by over population)

    VOLCANO :: Nature (only kills people nearby)

    Tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, storms, etc. have all been going on since before people inhabited this planet and long before the idea of god was invented.  So, how can these disasters be the plan of some figment of our imaginations that wasn't around until we had brains big enough to have imaginations?

  21. Tsunamis and earthquakes are things we are helpless against, yes, but war and terrorism are choices we make, the consequences of which we have to live with or decide to fight against and change.  Bird flu we could deal with, if we stopped spending billions on wars and instead put the money into creating ways to deal with the flu and cut down on the number of deaths.

    Even weather events we could deal with better than we do.  But we're too caught up in irrelevant c**p to fix the big things that need to be fixed.

    It's not God's plan.  It's our plan.  We have made this world what is it.  If it is screwed up, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

  22. God does not have bad plans for His people. It is the devil that brings bad things so that people will vent their anger on Him thereby bringing more unbelief in Him. If you persevere as Job did and do not shift ground, you will triumph.

  23. It is my belief that God and all his creations are one and the same... that God is a name for everything. You probably don't share this belief but the way I see it, it is not something that God did independently of us. It is a choice that we made together, simultaneously, for whatever reason. As ourselves we cannot comprehend where these things are taking us. But in truth, there can be no joy without suffering, and often joy springs from terrible hardship. These things may have actually had to happen, or rather, we chose that this was how we were going to do it, God and us, because at that level he/we know that there is a reason for it all.

    If this is not your belief, disregard this, but if you are more open-minded it might make sense, in a way. Sometimes you need to pick and choose information that is best for you.

  24. This is a Punishment of God to whom are destroying earth by there bad behavior . Tell me ..Why there is no Tsunami ,war,or even bird flu in Saudi Arabiua???

    I lift the answer for you..Inspite that the majority of us are not terorist..

  25. i agree

  26. No it is not god's plan. it is the fate brought by the actions of men.

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