God created male and femail and blessed them (why bless his creation). God then said unto them (commanded) "Be fruitfull & muliply & replimish the Earth and subdue it have dominion over it".
God created us and gave this to us as his first commandment for us to do and then put us In the most Beautifull world that he had created for us. This is the true meaning of life, no more and no less.
So what are people praying for and why, why are they not doing exactly what God had created them for in his first commandment and that is to live and to "Be fruitfull & muliply & replimish the Earth and subdue it & have dominion over it". It is as simple as that so why do people have to complicate seraching for the meaning of life when you have been commanded by God to do exactly what he ordered you to do, and that did not mean to pray or give thanks that was not Gods comandment.
Please tell me why you pray and give thanks and not do as God really created and commanded you for to do?