
God im confused here!!!!!!!! please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I swear to god, if the FDA picks ONE more type of food and says it's a suspect for salmonella poisoning, i'm going to scream!!!! first they started with tomatos, now there saying cilantro, jalapeno peppers, serrano peppers, scallions, and onions are suspects!!!!!!!! WHAT FOOD IS THE REAL CULPRIT HERE!?!??!?!?!? please, if anyone knows, answer this question, i'm starting my summer on friday and I am going to Miami Beach, Fl, and I would really like it if I didn't get salmonella over my summer. So if ANYONE knows........ PLEASE tell me.

Thanks!!!!!! :]].

BTW, for those of you who don't know, there is a huuge outbreak of salmonella in the U.S.A. and the FDA thinks its tomato's, but also suspect the other foods I listed above.. it's been all over the media.




  1. Better to be safe than sorry.

  2. sorry to hear that but this is one good reason to grow your own veggies

  3. its really sad how we are the "most developed" nation and have problems like this its ridiculous. We spend millions of dollars on useless wars and cant even pay to have more food inspectors. The government needs to take a stronger stand on food quality. It seems like there is little regulation which is rarely enforced.

  4. The problem is not with the food but with the FDA.  Congress has cut the budget so bad to fund their pork projects that agencies that do good work are unable to adequately do their jobs.  Federal employees are not permitted to complain to either congress or the people.  We need to kick some *** in congress and get them to do their jobs properly.  Think about this with the elections coming up.

  5. They actually don't know what food is causing the out breaks, and they are now suspecting a processing plant or something like that.  In any event the salmonella culprit is unknown.

  6. They have added all those things to the list of possible suspects because an apparent connection among many or all the victims was salsa. Those are frequently the ingredients in salsa.

  7. There are enough non-Americans in Miami that you can easily eat well enough.  Just stick to the authentic Cuban and otherwise Spanish-speaking restaurants and things will be O.K.

    The real culprit is not food, but the way that farming is shifting from individual caring farmers to large corporations that rape the land and treat animals like lifeless objects.

    Disease spreads easier now because farming is done on a much larger scale.  It's now more difficult to isolate any bad tomatoes for example because they're all grown the same way on larger pieces of land.  When small farms were the norm, it would be much easier to pinpoint the original diseased tomatoes because you could just trace back to one farm.

    What's worse is when it comes to animals.  Did you know that a McDonald's hamburger has meat from about 100 different cows in it?  There used to be a time where a burger would be meat from one cow.  Now all the cows are just slaughtered together, their meat mixed up together.

    Anyway, the American public demands cheapness over safety.  People simply don't want inspections done properly enough to pay for them.  If you can knock 5 cents off the price of a tomato by not doing proper inspections, then that's what Americans will choose.

  8. it is a weird situation, why they can't figure it out is beyond me,  what do we pay them for,  could be an experiment gone bad and they are just trying to cover it up

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