
God is Love - like literally. What do you think of this statement.?

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Recently, this statement has meant a lot to me, and then one day it struck me- God is actually Love. Love is God, God is love. They are but one and the same.

This led me to think even deeper, that there are so many people who 'believe' in love yet they do not believe in God. Why? What are their reasons?

Well, they can't see God, or touch 'him' God has never been proven, God goes against the natural laws of science etc... BUT then what is Love? Can Love be touched, or seen, is it a thing, a he or she, where is the proof that Love exists??

More importantly, why does no-one question the existance of Love, even without all the proof, yet they cannot accept the existance of God, who Is Love.

Furthermore, i think it is because of people's views of God, hence the Christian image of a man on a cloud and the continuous reference to God as 'he/him' leads people to ask where is God?? where is the man with a beard, on a cloud? If he is there, why can we not see him?

What do you think?




  1. If you believe in God as a concept, such as love.. then sure you can think of it that way if you choose. However, if you think God is a "thing" then that just means you believe in the bible version of God. In any case, the word god is too abstract.. just like the word love. In my view, it loses it's credibility and impact. It's the same thing for the word love. If you use it often in different context, it starts to dull the meaning.

    Love can't overcome physical forces. If you are hanging onto a person dangling over a cliff, no matter how much you love them, they will fall to their death if you don't have the physical strength to pull them up.

  2. Yeah i feel lyk God is like love. I think hes suposed to be seen as a fatherly figure to everyone.  In christainity he created "adam" out of love and dust etc. So adam could grow to love the animals and the world around him. God loves us so much that he gives us our own "personal" angel to look after us... because he cant look after us all at once!

  3. I get exactly what you mean. God is Love, he is sooo love. Duhhh.. why didnt i realise this sooner.. i came to this conclusion i while back and since then i believe in love a lot more and realise it is as important as God...

    Twins!! who would have thought

    Love you all unconditionally.

  4. I don't think you should try to define God. Just love Him, be thankful and faithful to him. If you don't like the fact that I said "Him" and "God" then interject whatever you want.

  5. God is also war, suffering, hatred, blame, injustice, HYPOCRISY, genocide.  The list of religion induced maladies is far far longer than the list of benefits.

  6. If God has a face, He would never be called GOD. He would just be an ordinary man who we can see and touch. God is LOVE, love is blind therefore God is blind?? That's logic. But it's really for us. We are the blind one. We refuse to open our hearts to feel God.

    So think about this, can you see the AIR we breathe??

    And another, man is selfish. He feels and believes LOVE because he enjoys being loved. Yet he ignores GOD because he thinks GOD can't do good to him. And he sticks to "what you see is what you believe".

    But there are things which cannot be seen but something we have to believe.

  7. God is Love.  Also, Mind, Truth, and Life.  God's name is "I Am."

    God is Energy.  There are levels of Energy.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, and

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, are all good and worthwhile.

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