
God is the "I Am" of who you are, so be still and know that I am God. How do you react to this statement?

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"Be still and know that I am God" comes from the Psalms. And the first part of my title question is about why becoming still can produce the direct experience of God. (There is a skill to doing this, so the experience is not always open to everyone)

And by the way, this is the very reason that Monks, Mystics and Yogis have been moving out to quiet caves and deserts for thousands of years now.

But I want to know how you feel about that statement. Does it offend religious people? Does it make sense to anyone? More on my bio.




  1. For me, this statement is not a physical "being still"  it deals with the chatter in ones own heart and mind.  sometimes things are so loud, including our own selves we cannot "hear" God at all.  God, I believe is always there it's just that we get all caught up in the proving or disproving a Spirit realm by ways of the physical and that will never happen.  People have even used miracles in order to believe...even Christ Himself said if you do not believe... believe on the works that I have done.  Jesus knew that humans are caught up in seeing with their physical eyes... but what He encouraged people to dare to do was "see" with the eyes of their spirit instead because that is where they would truly find Him.  He was satisfied with them believing based on the miracles...yet I believe His hearts desire was to believe based on faith which requires us believing without physical proof.  The truth is if you need physical proof to believe, ask Him to prove Himself... I believe He will... the question is, can you be still and know that He is God?  David in the Psalms wrestled with this to a certain extent.  He was in the physical reality of this world being chased by his enemy yet, he cried out to God ... i imagine that the fact that he found God while "hiding" and "running" from the "world" offers some clue to us today...are we willing to see past the world around us?  can we step beyond the maddness?  Not everything i have knowledge of and claim to "know" stands with physical proof, some are assumptions, educated guesses, and others are really things that I know something doesn't always require a PHD or a just know.  Depending upon the subject line of your knowing...the world along with your peers will either deny or accept you...but the choice to believe resides within you...apart from still and know that God loves you, even if you don't believe... do you have to believe to enjoy the thought that something "may" love you?  be still and just know...    

  2. not the least bothered.

  3. jesus say this first. you late

    But behold!. he is human.

    You are one god there my friend. dont worry

  4. It's meaningless and pointless if God is a man-made construct. Quiet meditation is always to be recommended though for good mental health.

  5. It's a interesting way of thinking.

  6. That's only part of it, yes I Am the I Am but I Am going to make love with the Goddess.: )

  7. I am afraid so my god is afraid

  8. Fine. Then I say unto you, go forth and rub raspberry jelly on the forehead of each first born of the House of Winsor that we may know them.

  9. Well actually Jehovah told Moses that He was the Great I Am in the Old Testament. We learn in the New Testament that Jesus Christ said that "I Am that I Am" or in other words, I Am the Great I Am. Jesus Christ was Jehovah of the Old Testament. Yes Jehovah is a God, the Son of God, but his Father, Heavenly Father or God is the Great God of all.

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  10. Being still?  Yes it makes sense to me.    This is how Monks, Mystics and Yogis clear their minds.    Being still I believe means clearing your mind of mundane matters, such as work and paying the bills and driving through traffic etc.  Monks just dont do that stuff.    Clearing your mind, or being still, or meditating, provides you with the chance to concentrate on yourself, your inner self.    This is what Mystics do.    They concentrate their life force or energies on their inner being, their spiritual selves.  

    And know that I am God -  I believe this means, once you know how to concentrate or meditate on your inner self, you can find the God in you.     I think your question is awesome, perhaps Yahoo should start awarding points for the best question.  Yours is the best I have so far answered.    

  11. God most certainly 'does' present himself to everyone, at some point in their lives.  He has many doors and windows open to all His children.

    Yes I do know and have had this experience.  I have a relationship with God that is well grounded and airtight.

    We are all different and all have very different relationships with Him, that are as individual as we are.  We must all follow our own path with God, not man's.

  12. Not at all. I think that more Christians ought to pursue the monastic experience, just for a little while. The results of regular quiet meditation would surprise a lot of people.  

  13. I am not.

  14. Visit this site, it might help you understand those words.

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