
God is your "Imagination" or "Logical conclusion" ??

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how and why ? please explain a little. also tell your religion so that i know if your religion taught you well .




  1. It is a logical conclusion! God is not in a form. God is a state of absolute saturation. We have three ingedients - the body (form), the mind (essence of body), and the Soul (energy). Soul the life energy is like other form of energies like electrical energy, solar energy, gravitational energy etc etc. Science also gives the theoris that these are the part of bunch of Energy in the universe which can neither be created nor be destroyed, only form can be interchanged. Energy can create Forms, and Forms can be converted into Energy. Now, this interchangibility between Energy and Form is based on several Natural Laws like Demand and Supply, Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect, Struggle for Existence, Survival of Fittest etc etc. These forces keep on creating and developing Forms. That is how we have got developed from Atom to Human being through various phases of development. Now, our human energy - the Soul is very near to a saturation stage the absolute saturated state - the God, which is an innert state from where no further creation or destruction is possible in normal course, unless a very high energy force is applied on it. To achieve this state we have to practice to detach our Soul from the Mind. Our mind being the essence of body is created by the body, but it gets attached to the soul also to keep our desires alive. This is inbetween stage of Body and Soul. Once we get rid of our desires, the Mind gets detached from our soul. Then after death, our soul gets into the saturation - the state of God. However, as long as our Mind keeps on being attached to the Soul, our Soul does not get saturation, and keeps on trying to get a Form (body). This state of soul after death is the state of being as Ghost etc. In this stage if you are attached with positive Mind as per your past deeds and good or bad desires, you feel happy - the state of Heaven, while if you are attached with negative Mind you feel unhappy - the state of h**l. This is the whole story based on scientific thinking. So, to achieve the godly state you must try to work on your desires. Since it is not possible to satisfy all the worldly desires, the better way is to minimise the desires to a bare minimum possible level which can be satisfied. Once, this can be achieved. Once desires are satisfied, the mind gets free from soul. Then after death of the body, the soul gets free and exists into the state of saturation - the Moksh! Forget other things, work on this, you may achieve your goal. For furthe discussions, if any, feel free to email me at any time.

  2. God is Love, forgiveness, and sacrifice. To follow and want to be with HIm you have to do the same.  If you think it is not necessary that is okay for you.

    God exits in this form.

  3. God is your logical conclusion and religion is a figment of imagination of an ignorant unscientific mind .

    If god is the one that cretes , maintains and annihilates and and re-creates , it is nature .If intelligence is creative , it is the creation of nature of nature .If god is infinite , it is again nature .If man is of superior intellect , he is a product of nature . If God is immortal , it is again , nature . if God is infinite and boundless , it is nature which is the cosmos itself .the cosmois has always been there in some form por other and it has never not been and shallnever cease to exist at any time whatever happens to the universes in it . It is NOTHING . But it creates and sustains everything .It is as something that is "NOT '..It is not . but it is .and but for it nothing could exist .Can you imagine a situation where anything includiong a God if that god is different existing , if there is no space - empty space at all for anything to exist in?It is my logical conclusion that nothing in this world - including the Gods that the religions speak of could eveh have existed but fot the nothingness of space  .Space is "NOTHING" . BUT THIS NOTHINGNESS EXISTS AND sustains eveerything  and IS THEREFORE DEATHLESSLY ALIVE .AND CREATIVE .

    the emptiness needs "NOTHING "  to exist in and is thre fore the only thing having a independent existewnce - that is existing without the help of anything , whereas everythign else in th euniverse - including the Gods the religions speak of need some empty space to exist in.

    God is viswa roopa .

  4. according to neurotheology god is in your head

  5. God cannot be a logical conclusion, because there is no evidence.

  6. God is  destination

    Imagination is a path to reach destination

    Logical Conclusion is based on individual experieces while performing journey to God

    I am a Hindu


    God is as real as We the human beings

  7. God is my Father , how because He has never failed me , and He never will . He by far exceeds any human , I've ever known ! Religion(blah) I have none , I have relationship ~

  8. good morning brother shivam

    great question

    1the great indian philospher adi shankrachray had given a very beautiful answer to your quesion,he had said" how it is possbile that metaphysical things like GOD and SOUL can have logical explanation.

    that is true we cant have logical explanation of god becuse that is beyond our mental and physical perception.

    great german philosopher immaual kant had also said my mind can know about the things which are under time,space and causelity we cant know god because it is beyond time,space and casulity,so we cant give any logical explanation for god,he all the arguments for the existence of god useless,as they are just arguments not exact evidence

    2 if we look at the world greatest philosphers who belive in god they cant able to give any logical explanation to god,what they can give is arguments for the existence of god,design argument,cosmological arguemnt,they cant able to give an exact evidence and a logical explanation for the existence of god.

    there are two type of truth

    1 Absolute truth

    2 personal truth

    we see that sun rise and sun set but in reality sun never shine and sun never set,it is perosnal truth

    but in relaity it is earth which revolve around the sun,that is absolute truth

    so my brother for the existence of god all we have personal truth and imgination,we had not any absolute truth for god.

    if there is an elephant and blind person touch him

    1 the person who touch his teeth though him like stone can say elephant is stone,

    2 the person who touch his tail call that elephant is bush.

    3 the person who touch his skin call him rough and like carpet

    3 did anyone of them can able to give any proper answer,they tell  what they percieve,so in the same way humans things about god,every great philosopher had hos own theroy and views of god,the way they percieve god,but they are like those blind persons,none of them cant able to give complete logical explanation for god.

    4 if i will make a machine,it will work only how much it is programmed,so if god had made us,he had programmed us in such a way,that we cant know him,that is beyond our physical and mental perception,god had not given us power to know himself.

    5 if you will study atheist school of indian philosophy like carvaka they never belive in god,they call god invention of cunning priest to earn money only,they call mattar as the only reality and god,soul all as imaginary things as we cannot percieve god or soul.

    My brother the question arise here that

    1 a thing we make it by our mind or it exist in itslef by its own nature

    so does god is an imagination of humans or it exist in itself by its own nature,both can be true,if it exist in itself than we belive in it or not that doest going to affect anything,it exist and will always exist.

    so as i had said earlier according to shankracharya,metaphysical things like god cannot have logical explanation at all

    human knowledge will develop the great extent in the future and ha developed but we cant give any logical explanation for god we can only give arguments,for athiest god is just an imagination

    hope i answer the question to best of my abilities

    god bless you and will give you strenght,power and long life

    all the best for the future shivam,i love this name,my cousin name is also shivam

    jai sri krishna

    sorry for the spell mistakes shivam

  9. If I say I believe in God because he's real to me spiritually then I would say that's a logical conclusion but someone else may think that's my imagination so what have we proved?

  10. God is not my imagination.

    God is your imagination.

    God is less real than Santa.

    I've never sat on god's lap.  Santa at least hangs out at the mall every year.

  11. See my religion is humanity . the god is the form of supreme energy which makes us everything possible in the world.

  12. I'm an atheist.

    God is imagination.

    A long time ago, "god" was the term used to explain things we didn't understand. Even the Native Americans did it. The spirit of fire! Don't anger him! The spirit of fire? What makes fire... well... fire? The spirit of course!

    Now that we know what fire is and how you can make it, there is no spirit!

    Nowadays, "god" is the explanation for ALL of the unknown. Why do I see through these eyes? God.

    Who made the universe? God.

    Where do I go after I die? Heaven. What's heaven? Some place god created for you to go after you die.

  13. Brahman  is a concept of Hinduism. Brahman is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe. The nature of Brahman is described as transpersonal, personal and impersonal by different philosophical schools. In the Rig Veda, Brahman gives rise to the primordial being Hiranyagarbha that is equated with the creator God Brahmā. The trimurti can thus be considered a personification of hiranyagarbha as the active principle behind the phenomena of the universe. The seers who inspired the composition of the Upanisads asserted that the liberated soul (jivanmukta) has realized his identity with Brahman as his true self (see Atman (Hinduism)).

    The word "Brahman" is derived from the verb brh (Sanskrit:to grow), and connotes greatness. The Mundaka Upanishad says:

        Om- That supreme Brahman is infinite, and this conditioned Brahman is infinite. The infinite proceeds from infinite. Then through knowledge, realizing the infinitude of the infinite, it remains as infinite alone.

    What is Brahman?

    In the 'Taittariya Upanishad' II.1, Brahman is described in the following manner: "satyam jnanam anantam brahma", "Brahman is of the nature of truth, knowledge and infinity." Infinite positive qualities and states have their existence secured solely by virtue of Brahman's very reality. Brahman is a necessary reality, eternal (i.e., beyond the purview of temporality), fully independent, non-contingent, and the source and ground of all things. Brahman is both immanently present in the realm of materiality, interpenetrating the whole of reality as the sustaining essence that gives it structure, meaning and existential being, yet Brahman is simultaneously the transcendent origin of all things

    Brahman is the Ultimate Reality

    All reality has its source in Brahman. All reality has its grounding sustenance in Brahman. It is in Brahman that all reality has its ultimate repose. Hinduism, specifically, is consciously and exclusively aiming toward this reality termed Brahman.

    It has to be logical conclusion, as we do not know what other animals think.  

  14. He cannot be defined iin Imagination or in a logical conclusion. He is above both

  15. If God and logic are real they must be perceptible in deep sleep

    state also.That which appears in one state of mind and disappearing in

    other state is always in the domain of imagination.

    In all the three states of mind we are existing without interruption

    so our existence is real and beyond imagination.

  16. if all the you have of any god is the image in your mind,

    then how is that different from any other imagination?

  17. hello,

                I am a Hindu the  oldest religion in the universe and  the  best  one  till  date.  It is  very  vast  and  has  all  answers  to  all , only

    it requires  one  to read  properly the  BHAGVADGEETHA  and  understand.  

                Pinch  your self.  do u feel  the pinch. if  yes,  then  u are  existing  in this  planet.  for u  to exist  u have a father and he has a father and he had a father and so on.ultimately  there  should  be  a

    father  to all  and he is the lord / GOD.

                 GOD is the creator of the universe and we should respect him and  have  gratitude for  having  given us this precious  human life.

    read  BHAGVADGEETHA  and understand.

  18. “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—ROMANS 1:20.

    the water cycle


    mother's milk






    sense of smell

    and thats just the obvious.

  19. My religion did not teach me the logical conclusion, that was a part of my own personal search for reality.

    But yes, my belief in God comes from a logical conclusion. From two different lines of logic. The first is centered in genetic information. Genetic code is a carrier of information; the information it takes to build living machines. This information in abstract, it is transcendent. But it is found at the first point of construction - the DNA.  The information is highly complex and specific. It simply has to have a source - an INTELLIGENT source. I call that source God.

    The second line of logic is found in the existence of matter. If matter exists, and it does, it has either always existed, or it has been created. If it always existed, matter transcends time - and we know this because there can be no such thing as eternal past. And if matter transcends time, then there has to be, or have been, a reality different than our own in which things can exist, seperate from time and space. Again, we need something that transcends cause and effect. Matter, time, and space can only be explained by one thing. Go back far enough and a catalyst without cause is needed. And only one things fits that need. An all powerful mind. God.

  20. i have come to understand that God is real.

    Gods existence is beyond mans understanding

  21. It is basically BELIEF / FAITH.  I am a Hindu and I dont need any logic to believe.  By the way What is your Religion friend?

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