
God loves *everyone*?

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Greetings to you,

I was reading this Scripture:;&version=31; and I thought that people might feel that that is the Old Testament. But Luke 21:23-24 from the New Testament made me ask has the God of the book of Psalms really changed or not? Your thoughts.

Thank you in advance for your answer.




  1. God does love eveyone, and no He has not changed. He still loves them and does not want any to persih, that is why He became flesh (John 1:1-14) and paid the ultimate price for us.

    God is righteous, and despises sin. You, as everyone else has a choice. It's all up to you. If you choose Him, you have eternal life, if you do not choose Him, you cannot be justified, thus are full of sin, and cannot be, nor would you deserve, to be in His presence.

  2. he doesn't love me. he used to hit me and lock me in my closet when his lady friends came over.

  3. he only loves people who kiss his A...S

  4. People project upon life what they think God should be like and put it in human terms and it is a reflection of themselves. For that reason, I read such interpretations of God with my own discernment.

  5. God does love everyone.  However, a more primary characteristic of God than love is that He is holy (which includes justice).  Ultimately, the wrath of God will be seen against men who choose to do evil.  Ultimately, God will not put up with evil.  Psalm 5.5 puts it succinctly, "God hates those committed to do evil."  

  6. How can an omniscient entity change?

  7. Joh 15:10  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.

    ...He has NOT changed....ONLY those who keep his commandments abide in his love....

    1Jn 2:3  And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments.

    1Jn 2:4  Whoever says "I know him" but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,

    1Jn 2:5  but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may be sure that we are in him:

  8. There is only one GOD for all people, and He loves everyone. He will come to you in any form you love him (for Him, nothing is impossible). All people are people of GOD. If they choose to be evil, GOD will punish them as a parent punishes a child to bring him/her to the right path. So the answer, is YES GOD loves everyone, he may or may not like their deeds.

  9. Beyond any words is what is in your heart.

    Those of the book are protected by the books.

  10. No, same God.

    God is Holy, Just, a Righteous Judge and yes He is loving.  However, it's not a pampering kind of love, it is a perfecting love.

    Check this out.

  11. I believe that God is love, not a being with a consciousness.  

  12. Well you have to understand that this is God. He is perfect. And He is a perfect judge. And no perfect judge will ever, EVER, let evil slide. Today, punishment is still harsh. h**l is definitely a factor. However even for those that believe, our own conviction, which is also the conviction of the Holy Spirit, keeps us in check. Basically we discipline ourselves.

    Also you have to look at the context. In Psalms, so many tribes were not just bad. They were totally depraved. Most of these tribes who loved evil and violence were bent on the genocide of Israel. Sometimes as Israelites moved along to different locations, squads of men from other tribes would move in and attack the weak, sick, disabled, or old, just to continue the extermination of the Jews. That's pretty sickening. And for God, as the perfect judge, that must be just nauseating.

    But also keep in mind that while God smacks down on sin, He also has mercy for the righteous among them. Like in Jericho. They were one of the peoples bent on the destruction of Israel. So God decided to destroy them first. However there was that woman, Rahab, who protected the spies, and so she and her family was saved.
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