
God on trial on channel 2 ?

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these people are dancing round debating wether god is testing them or if hes evil blah blah blah. but know one has had thought to ask "maybe this god isnt judging, maybe life is completly random and completely with out any form of god?" that would be a wise fella. anybody watching it. what do you think of it?




  1. if someone told you, that when you die you go to the land of nod

    and play games, sit in the pub watching football all day and the beer

    is free, would you believe them? and would it be true.

    strange,but, a similar story was put 2008 years ago and since there is no such thing as magic and nothing can defy the laws of science,

    why do so many people believe that pigs can fly, so to speak.

  2. There cant be a just and fair god, if there was the world wouldnt be such a violent and corrupt place, he wouldnt allow it.  Try asking in the religious section I bet you will get some interesting answers there!

  3. Don't forget this is a drama, the people the actors represent probably came from poor and primitive villages as well as the educated from the cities. It's what dramatists do, imagine situations in different times and places, I don't think the idea is to convert the viewer. I think it entertaining enough, but it won't convince me there's some other being up there, I don't think that's the point.

  4. You are right, life is just random, there's no such thing as god.

  5. im recording it

    ive set up my bt vision box to record all comedy programmes... except songs of praise

  6. Because most ideas of religion were formed out of a feeling of the most deep fear that their is no defining meaning to life.At our most weak times i.e. is sometimes comforting to think there is an afterlife,a reprive.

  7. No I'm not watching it. But it's people that cause all the problems simply by the choices they make. This beautiful Earth and all the wonder it gives is enough for my faith  never to falter...

  8. No, I'm not watching it, it would just wind me up.

  9. Sure?

    Look in the real world.

    Why were they crying out "Jesus Christ"

    How did the "Super star" got away in time?

    John 1.20

    "See I told you so"

    John 9.17

    What do you think?

  10. i watched the entire 90 minutes

    its art at its best!!

    i was flicking through tv schedule and saw this for bbc two, at first i thought it was going to be some boring reality debate show, then i realised it was an actual drama based during the time of the genocide.

    from the first word to the last, it was compelling.

    the whole 90 mins is a filmed inside a bunker which is part of the concentration camp. around 30 to 40 jews are imprisoned in the banker

    the n***s have divided them into two groups, the ones on the left will die, the one's on the right will survive but will be enslaved.

    the depression and grief inside the bunker sparks a discussion about god. or should i say a trial about god

    inside these bunkers is a lawyer, scholar, university teacher and a rabbi.

    a trial is arranged in order to see whether god has broken his promise to the jews, otherwise known as the "covenant" in the torah ,a contract in which god says that he will not let the jews perish and that he shall bring death to their opponents.

    there are three judges, one judge is impartial. the other is pressing charges on god, while the other is defending god. this sparks widespread debate within the bunker, leading to 90 minutes of compulsive viewing. i cant explain everything here, but youve got to watch it will be available on bbc iplayer fairly soon. it talks about everything, why did god make jews suffer? is suffering part of gods plan? if so is hitler a servant of god? why did god ask abraham to sacrifce his son? why were all those innocent first-borns killed in order to free moses people? why did he set all those plagues to pharaohs temple? why did he not just kill pharaoh? do we really have free will? one jewish man in the bunker had to choose which son he wanted to keep when the n***s where taking his 3 sons away. he wanted all of them but he was told to choose one. where was his free will? the free will that god promised? most importantly why did god create a contract with just the jews? whats so special about the jews?

    its not a diplomatic debate, its a saga, where men try to seek answers, as to why they exist, as to who and what god is. why is there so much suffering if god said he wouldnt allow the suffering. its the burning question that will never be doused?

    i cant explain more on here all i have to say is you have got to watch this drama it will be on bbc iplayer within this week.

    the acting is world class

    unmissable im not a big fan of bbc dramas but this was something special. thank you for showing it bbc

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