
God or Big bang theory?

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What created the world?

I think the Big bang theory, it sounds realistic.




  1. The Earth is made up with dust. Millions upon millions of years of accumulation, it turned into our planet today. The Big Bang was the explosive of another planets their infragments smashed into our planet that created the oceans and seas.

    The `Big Bang` was 7 square miles large that its set fire on the earth.

  2. The answer could simply be both.    

  3. I say God.

    The big bang theory states that a little *thing* was sitting in the center of the universe, then everything came out of that little *thing* when it suddenly decided to bang. But hold on, another scientist comes along and says, no it was not a bang but a rapid expansion of space time. Another scientist comes along and says, wait there was not one *thing* but a hydrogen molecule. another scientist comes along, no there was a hydrogen and carbon molecule and the met and blah blah blah.

    To conclude the big bang theory has been revised and edited so many times that we don't know what's true any more.

    But here's another way of looking at it. God made the big bang.


    Another way.

    God made the world. Just read the bible.

    I think that God made it and humans are debating whether or not He did because the devil is lying to them.

    You can choose whatever you like but both are very convincing.

    But here is more evidence of God creating the world.

    I apologize for the length.

    The big bang states the everything came from something, but where would that something come from if there was nothing because because the big bang had not happened yet.

    God states that He created the universe and we do not believe this because we want evidence we can see.

  4. Something had to create the Big it "God" if you must....the bigger question is when did "God" stop interfering with what happened after the Big Bang...

  5. big bang theory rules!

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