
God placed a mark on Cain to prevent anyone from killing him...?

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First of all, why? Why was it so important that Cain not be murdered?

Secondly, in Genesis 4:23-24, there is a man named Lamech who murdered a man who assaulted him. This man came home to his wives and said, "If anyone who kills Cain is to be punished seven times, anyone who takes revenge against me will be punished seventy-seven times!"

What was so special about this man that if anyone came against him, they would be afflicted worse than if someone struck down Cain?




  1. Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.

    Cain killed his brother, and God put a mark on Cain's head to prevent anyone from killing him.

    Then...the Bible says that Adam and Eve were so distraught that they had a THIRD son, whom they named Seth.

    Hold on a minute....

    If Seth was only the third son, why the f*ck was God so worried Cain was gonna get killed?  Who would've killed him?

    This is only one of many inconsistencies in the Bible that proves none of it was real.  All just stories to show the nature of humans.

  2. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  3. It was not that he was so special, quite the contrary!

    "Vengeance is mine", sayeth the Lord God!

    God had plans for Cain, to reap what he sowed!

  4. Who the bloody h**l is Cain?

  5. Big "G' turned him white. That is the mark of Cain.

  6. It was God's covenant with cain

  7. It just shows how senseless it all is, just like any soap opera you'd see on t.v.

  8. It's simply this, Cain and the other guy ran to God for mercy and protection.  Read about the cities of REFUGE.

    God is the city of refuge, also.  

  9. I have often wondered it Cain had a brain disorder and was disoriented at the time he killed Abel. Otherwise, wouldn't God have struck him dead with a lightening bolt or something?

  10. Didn't Lamech kill Cain?

  11. Cain is carrying out the negative part of Gods plan.Cain was of the serpent seed.And God didn't say that about Lamech but Lamech himself.Who is an offspring of Cain to think he can speak for God!?!

  12. I don't think this mumbo jumbo has any explanation. Just a drama written.

  13. Cain's story is prophetic...He killed his brother [what nation did this?]

    He was a vagabond and roamed the Earth with everyone chasing him [this happened to what nation]  God placed a special mark on him to show him Mercy [What nation has God given special favor to...(not spiritually but physically)]

    Lamech?  The Bible never says that this man's prophecy came true...But if it did...Rome?   They actually carried out the execution....and it was Rome where the Church grew the fastest in the second century.....

    Just possibilities

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