
God question?

by Guest61725  |  earlier

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why do some people so vehemently believe in the existance of god, and get so ANGRY if you question them. is that a sign of low intelligence? that makes me soo angry




  1. I think the believers who get angry when their beliefs are questioned are the ones who are having doubts themselves and are trying hard to suppress their doubts. When someone comes along and question them, their own doubts surface, and they can no longer hide them so easily, so they get angry at those who helped their doubts surface.

  2. religion is a way to explain the unnatural which our science can't explain

    for some people though, religion is an escape, it helps people get through life because they need to know that their good deeds will be rewarded

    and questioning their belief tears that whole safety net that they have apart

    believing in something does not mean that you are low intelligence, it just simply means that they have the capacity to believe in something that cannot be proven or disproven

  3. Do you think that  it's a sign of low intellegence when you ask people other questions  and they get angry?  

    Did you get a bit angry when I asked you that?

    People want to be treated with respect, especially when it comes to something they believe in.  There really is only one way to believe in something.  If you don't vehemently believe in it, can you really say it's a belief?

    I would guess that it is because they feel that the way you are phrasing your question to them makes them feel that their beliefs are under attack.

  4. Whatever a person's beliefs are matters not to me.  I won't look down on them for believing in God in the Christian sense or in any other sense.

    I would question a bit if they happened to vehemently believe that hamsters can sprout wings and dance the cha-cha-cha.

    It's not necessarily a sign of low intelligence but more of a short emotional fuse.

    I personally believe that God doesn't exist (at least not in the form that a portion of humanity believes).  I believe everything started somewhere and that there are things out there more powerful than we can possible imagine, but I don't personify them. Why limit the limitless by giving it a face?

  5. All anger, regardless of what, is a sign of low intelligence.

  6. It's because they have no logic or evidence of any kind to back up their assumptions.

  7. I have noticed as many if not more atheists attacking believers in an angry way.  Believers feel they are defending their God (although he doesn't need our defense). Atheists have nothing to defend in their non belief so it makes less sense for them to become angry, don't you think? And no, it's not a sign of low intelligence. Personally I think it probably is a less logical view to believe the intricate complex universe and nature was not an intelligent design by an intelligent mind. I would guess it would take a more blind faith to believe too.

  8. Maybe that's just a question that should not be asked you have your believe and everybody has a God. Wether it be in heaven or a buddest and many more forms or just those who don't believe I say keep religion out of conversations.

  9. As a believer of God (I won't name myself Christian anymore because of all the hate and -you're right- anger that's become associated with that term), I actually feel your frustration with the lack of patience in those that claim to follow Christ. My only explanation is that to them/us, it's the same as someone questioning why you believe the sun is hot- try to explain it to someone who doesn't believe, sometime- that'd be pretty frustrating, too!

    Just try to remember that the same human clause that applies to followers of, say, the American Dream, applies to all religions- including Islam, Judism, etc. Just because some morons go ape-crazy, doesn't mean the idea itself is bad. :-)

  10. ...i agree with YOU...WHY???

    ...don't they know religion is man-made...i wonDER...

    ...would they have a life if there was no religion in the world...

  11. I believe in God... If you don't, then that's your business. I don't try to shove others into my beliefs...

  12. I believe their anger is a sign of ignorance, self rightness, and down right fear.

    I personally believe in God AKA  a higher power. I think it is wrong to get upset with others beliefs.

    There is no reason for you to worry over this. God is greater than anything we can ever imagine. Think deeply on the universe and know that a creator would find it mindlessly silly to have humans bicker over who believes what and who doesn't.

    A person can never hear of God, or ever been near educated education, yet they have a concept of something beyond their own selves. Most all peoples have a creation story, a world wide flood story, a Deity, Morals, and an afterlife.  There are many paths to the same creator.

    Don't let verminous people take away your peace.

  13. Perhaps insecurity, or simply a less-than-perfect day.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, offers insights as to the "God hypothesis."

  14. There are those who have not yet attained a faith of their own, for or against the existence of God. So, when they are questioned about what they believe, and they have no answer, anger is there only recourse.

    The Christian God says that his believers should have an answer for those that would question their faith.

  15. it's either because they are questioning it themselves, they have been raised to defend their belief, or they take it as an insult to themselves because their belief in god is part of who they are.

  16. They get affended because its almost like your denying them what they have commited their life to. Its like telling a 5 year old kid Santa Claus doesent excist. They don't want to believe it, but there is so much unknown about the identity of Santa Claus so they get angry and sad because they no longer are sure whether hey does he excist or not.  Plus many of them were raised to believe in god and they take it personal as if your are bashing not only their belief but them as a person as well. I do believe in god. I'm am a catholic. I don't get affended when someone tries to deny my faith i just say to myself well if there is a god then i'm all set and hes in h**l. Lol Better to be safe then sorry.

  17. If you bet all of your money down to the last cent on just one horse, while in a state of severe desperation, how would you feel if someone told you that it was going to loose?

  18. Theism is often based on emotion, not logic or science.  So when theism is questioned, expect an emotional reaction.

  19. Hi,

    well, some people have a belief system that gives them a high comfort level, that they are fortunate enough to have a true sense of faith in...

    is it low intelligence?  i can't say for sure in all cases.  perhaps in some.  

    i lack that true sense of faith and envy those that find true comfort in their system of belief in a god.  

    i think that you could try to respect how others believe, regardless of how they feel about your belief system.

    to me, they are fortunate to have something to believe in, and they are usually better people for it - not in every instance, but, i can't fault them for it either.

    if people have that faith it is a part of their core essence, so let them be, they find peace, comfort, and guidance from it.  if you try to change or question that it could make some feel very defensive about something that is faith-based - that is, that there is no proof, it is a matter of faith, and what they may base the basics of their life upon.

    it is a very delicate matter... why do you become so angry when they defend their position when you question them?

    it is all a matter of respecting how other people feel or believe, whether or not you agree with it.

    i am not of a conventional religion - Buddhism, by heritage and practice - so do not possess a conventional belief in a god, but i do have some envy of those who believe in an all-encompassing force that defines and rules who and what we are - willful creature, though, that i am, lol.

    try to find the understanding of those that believe, and accept that which you cannot disprove.  try to respect others' belief systems, as you would hope they would respect yours.

    there can be no proof of either side in this life, so, why not live and let live?

    if people have joy and comfort in a god, then, well, lor' bless 'em.  

    personally, i find that it is our godless society - remember me, the Buddhist - that has made us so demented and twisted.

    i think there is a benefit to god, whatever god it may be - if a person adheres to a belief system there is hope for a set of morals.

    Peace be with You.

    Namu amida Buttsu
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