
God said we cant serve 2 masters at the same time...?

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...should that mean we should never be on neutral ground?




  1. u should either pick one side or stay neutral  

  2. I suppose.  I think it is clear that we are supposed to serve God as our master...that denies the possibility of a neutral position.  

    ...but I don't think this verse is telling us to serve him (like others do) or has anything to do with a neutral position.  Instead, it is just providing some common sense advice that IF you choose two (or more) masters, you'll have a hard time serving either of them. It is inevitable that at some point, serving one will mean not serving the other!  

  3. What is neutral ground. Either you love God or you don't. When a person accepts the christian faith they are making a decision to make God  the center of their life. If you cannot make this decision without doubt, don't do it. It is a complete change of everything in your heart. Their are rules in this faith, if you don't want to obey them; or just seem to not be able to understand them. You either need to get guidance from your pastor or not practice the faith at all. The line was drawn in the sand when Jesus Christ came to earth, either you follow his father or you don't.  

  4. Well, if you believe in God there is no neutral ground.  

  5. No, it means god didn't want competition

  6. Matthew 6:24

    "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Money."

    You need to give up your possessions (the "other" master)

  7. This verse deals with commitment.  God does not like us being lukewarm for him.  The Bible even says "I wish that you were either hot or cold but because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth." - paraphrasing.

  8. You serve your higher self and it serves you

    the darkness and the light both have to be mastered.

  9. In a manner of speaking, but ultimately, it means that if you TRY to serve two masters, you will end up hating one or despising the other.  If you read the entire account, it is fairly self-explanative.

  10. The Bible says a lot of things (conveniently) that cause us to be afraid of questioning or stepping away, even for a moment.

  11. Worship only God and don't worship others or idolize.

    Your parents are are sort of ok since the 5th commandment is Honor thy Mother and they Father.

    Like that golden statue of a super model, that's idolization.

    Just worship God and only God, don't worship any other fake thingies.

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