
God save the Queen!?

by Guest11017  |  earlier

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It's not a question - just a statement.




  1. What god?

  2. i hate the queen

  3. ok.

    Kisses from Russia to the Queen

  4. What has she done for you?  What has she done for the world except sit on her throne and act superior to other mortals??

  5. No. She wouldn't get off her fat a.rse to save me would she? If she advocates, heads off a revolution to get rid of the royal family, gives back all the taxes she has stolen from us, and apologises for sitting in her palace whilst people on her doorstep are in such desperate poverty that they don't have a home, or even enough food to eat and are reduced to begging , perhaps then, she may deserve to be saved.

  6. Ahhh, so your "that guy." I get it.

  7. It's not a statement, it's a request.

  8. I'm a Minnesotan. God save the queen indeed!

  9. Why? is she dying or something? God save you from your own feeble mind!

  10. There is no God.

  11. Um...I'm American,but I like the Queen too :-)

  12. GOD save the Queen, Indeed!

    For England and her Isles, the Crown is majesty!.

  13. I am an American but I owe my history and my culture to the British people.  It is a request ......

  14. HERETICS can't be saved!!!

  15. shes any better than the rest of us....

  16. Up the republic.

  17. Well, he is the only one that can! But I would put my pets and all other critters before her.. She is not needed to enhance my life in any way and I would never bow to her...

  18. Well, He did save Queen, but unfortunately not the King of Queen, Freddie Mercury.....

  19. cant get her in my money box

  20. Patriotic Brits want a republic, where any one of us can be head of state. Monarchists have hijacked our flag and attached it to this outdated elitist institution. If anyone CAN save her, God is the one to do it. But is she worth saving? I think she is beyond redemption. Let's make sure she is the last monarch ever.

  21. the queen can choke on my d!ck
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