
God says that when you trust in him all else falls into place, what are your thoughts on this?

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As a christian I believe that god will supply you with all you need when you focus all your attention on living for him what are your thoughts on this?




  1. I believe that Jesus is Lord and i also believe that all you needs will be meet if you seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be add unto you seek and you will find. Knock and the door shall be open onto you.

  2. I think that it is important for all people, whether religious or not, to realize that there is something bigger than you out there....and to realize that not everything is in your hands.

    Whether you want to trust in Karma, The Fates, or Jolly Ol Saint will do you better in the long run than if you try to take it all on yourself.

    It can be a crutch, but crutches can be useful things when used when needed.

    As for the Christian aspect.....I take no opinion on that.  I dont subscribe to it, but I dont mess with those who do.  It is just like some people need to read "Thou Shall Not Kill/Steal/Lie" to realize what it takes to be a good person.....I know that without being a Christian.

  3. Regardless of my belief in a higher entity, I dislike the idea that I did not earn what I have, the thought that someone else is controlling my life is less then pleasing.  If I did not work for it and made the choices that brought me to wherever I am then I do not want it, I want only what I've earned not what someone else decides to 'give' me.

  4. To believe you can oppose the will of God is nothing less than insanity.

  5. Its wishful thinking - helps people have hope during adversity.

  6. My flying spaghetti monsters helps me whenever I am in trouble. Its even told me the meaning of life. Its 42.

  7. This sounds like a very lazy approach to life. Someone believing this will put faith in their god, sit back and wait to see what plans God has for them. If it turns out to be a good result, then your faith has been rewarded. If it turns out to be a bad result for you, then apparently your God had other plans.

  8. god is great

  9. well its true

  10. Uh.


    Somehow I think that if I were to stop living life right now and instead spent my days sitting inside my house praying and trusting in God, they would very quickly cut off the electricity and water.

    You think God can pay the light bill while he's making everything fall into place?

  11. It's true, but not instantly.  Most judgement goes on afterdeath, so don't be expecting redemption anytime soon.  However, that's no reason not to fight for it.  Peace.

  12. We haven't been allowed to update a God Concept that came from primitive people who believed that the earth was flat because up until 200 years ago, religion had anyone killed as a heretic for questioning what they said. The Old Testament God was wrathful (he turned Saul into salt simply for turning around), and the New Testament God is loving.  Either there's more than one God, or those ancient people didn't have enough knowledge to know the difference between a deity, a UFO, or some other occurrence that they didn't understand.

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