
God seems to be hitting the US with more earthquakes, hurricanes, floods etc than most other countries. Why?

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The US is overwhelmingly Christian and one of the most fundamentalist at that. Is there a connection?




  1. Yes, he/she/it is pissed about how he's worshiped and how today's "faithful" have been ruining religion for the last 2000 years.  that last prophet he picked out 1400 years ago didn't help any either.  But don't think that the US is the only place suffering from natural disasters.  It's just the American media really doesn't care about anywhere else unless they can make a ratings grab for it...not to mention most Americans wouldn't be able to find the place on a map!

  2. What do you mean? We've had one minor earthquake, one hurricane that did minimal damge and the regular seasonal floods and fires. Actually a quiet year as far as disasters are concerned.

  3. God has provided us with an amazing system of communication, and when something hits the U.S. we hear more and longer about it than anything else. If you pay attention, you will find that stuff happens all over the world. It's just that the U.S. news media doesn't concentrate on it so much.

    Also he is punishing us for allowing the false Christians run the country for the last eight years.!.

  4. Hurricanes - location.  Most hurricanes in the world form in the Caribbean and travel north / northwest, thus taking them straight into the US.  Besides, you are completely ignoring how Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, and the other Caribbean islands get hit by the same hurricanes.

    Floods - it's cyclical and expected.

    Earthquakes - yeah, forget about s. China.

    Forget about Myanmar and all the famine in Africa and the bombings in the Middle East.  Let's ignore all those events.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that your view is skewed and incomplete.

  5. God isn't doing anything.

    Go down to the Bible Zone, in the south of our USA, he isn't doing anything down there either.

  6. It has to be what you are noticing, because those type of things are indeed going on elswhere as much as here. Question is, why aren't you noticing that?

  7. I'm sure it has nothing to do with landmass.


  8. Yep, there's a connection. He's trying to tell us that 8 years of Bush & Co. is 8 years too many. He wants us to get these idiots out of office or he'll smite us all.

  9. because we believe in him

  10. Stop being so ignorant.

    Other countries are hit by natural disasters just as much as the US is. Don't you remember that giant tsunami that hit asia a decade or so back? How about the monsoons hit japan, the blizzards in russia, the droughts in africa.

    Everyone is hit by natural disasters, you just don't hear about them(or you just don't listen)

  11. I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the affects of global warming than it has to do with "god"

  12. Man must see pattern and purpose so he invented Gods

  13. Nope.  god does not exist.  

    It's a manifestation of global climate change.  it is kind of fitting that the US should be getting so much of it, after all they are the biggest polluters on the planet.

  14. The key word in your question is "seems".  Unless you can show a rise in the numbers or a significantly higher percentage of disasters per square mile, this is a baseless question.  

  15. It has nothing to do with "god", it is nature. That part of the world has more frequently occurring natural disasters.

  16. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. hit everywhere in the world. It's only when they occur in the US do some people actually pay attention.

    Some years there happens to be more activity than others. To associate it with fundamentalism makes you sound as deluded as they are.

  17. Posssibly because we are disobeying him; we go with 1 witness (opinion); whereas he wants 2 or more witnesses to establish a fact. Example; 1 witness, old testament=Genesis-Malachi, 2 or more witnesses indicate itis law of Moses, which starts in Exodus 20.

  18. God is trying hard to wipe out all the southern baptists.

  19. Because we're larger than most other countries.

  20. Ask people living in the Caribean Islands and they will tell you, that you are mistaking. Religion has nothing to do with climate.

  21. We have the 24 hour weather channel and Bangladesh doesn't. They just die quietly by the thousands but we get thousands of hours of news reporting when somebody's Honda drives into a puddle.

  22. Yeah!  Why doesn't he send hurricanes and flooding to Iran or something???

    He must like Muslims better.

    Or maybe because it's a friggin' desert?

    Doesn't matter... all things are possible with god and he should hit Iran with a hurricane.

    Let us pray,........

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