
God set out very specific laws for jews his chosen people to follow.?

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All these laws are in the old testament, If these laws are straight from God why do Christians feel that God does not want them to follow these laws still?




  1. Maybe they realized that the old testament was written by a bunch of drunk people.

  2. Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf.

    It is evident that nobody can keep the law perfectly.  Yet God's requirement for heaven is PERFECTION.  

    So trying to keep the law can't save you.

    Jesus is God, and He kept the law perfectly, and He puts His perfection on our account in heaven, if we believe that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead.

    Believing this about Jesus is the only way to get into heaven and to avoid being sent to h**l for eternity.  

  3. I assume because the bibile, (injeel in arabic) is the upgrade, the newer version. Like windows XP is to windows 95.

  4. Firstly, to correct some of the others here:

    - the new testament was NOT written by Jews. By the time the Christian scriptures were compiled, Christianity was an entirely Gentile faith. Entirely.

    - the 'old testament' is NOT the Jewish bible. It is simply the Church-edited, REorganised and MIStranslated version of the Jewish Tanakh.

    - nobody answering here has the faintest idea about Judaism. Judaism has nothing to do with 'sacrifice'. That is a purely CHRISTIAN teaching!

    The laws of G-d, as conveyed in the Torah which was given *by* G-d to the Israelites, are for Jews and non Jews are not obliged to follow them. They were only ever intended for Jews - though of course anyone is welcome to join the Jewish family via conversion.

    And again, contrary to what many keep stating, Jesus did NOT 'fulfill' anything, at least not for Jews. The Jewish G-d REJECTS any notion that a man can die for the sins of others.


    Oh use your brain. 'converts are the real jews' - do you not know anything? Converts are AS Jewish as those born into the faith - yes. They are no more 'real' than the rest of us that were already Jewish.

    Oh, and DO pick up a decent book on the topic. Jews can and do trace our history back that far. And we don't have a third temple because OUR bible, the Tanakh tells us that the messiah will rebuild the temple; indeed, that is one way we know that the real messiah will have arrived.

    As for your irrational objection to a Jewish website: you seem to MISunderstand. There is no 'christian side' to Judaism. Judaism defines Jewish beliefs. Christianity does not get to have a say in that - deal with it.


    You really are delusional. You are not Jewish. You are a Christian. Be proud of your faith and beliefs.

  5. Laws yes...statues and ordinances..NO.

    The book of Colosians makes it very clear...but am sure you knew that already...silly me.

  6. No he didn't.  People made them up and wrote them down

  7. The laws of the Torah and the Tanakh are for the Jewish people to follow, All non Jews are only bound to follow the seven commandments of Noah but should a gentile choose to follow more rules, or even convert,  they are welcome.

  8. The law of the Old Testament was the law of sacrifice, to prepare the people for the coming of Christ, the ultimate sacrifice.  When he was born, that law was fulfilled in him and he gave us a new law, a higher law, to replace it.  This law was the law of baptism and repentance, to love one another and follow in his footsteps and have faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and intermediary as he had lived the perfect life that we cannot.  The Law of Moses (the 10 commandments) are still to be followed, (or the upgrades are - turn the other cheek, do good to those that spitefully abuse you, etc.) but all the old laws about food and cooking and such are done away with as they had been perverted and turned to empty rituals by the Pharisees and Sadducees.

  9. there is a new convent with the house of Israel and the house of Judah many christians teach that they are not under the law and use examples of mosaich laws that christ had done away with on his last comming,  but in matthew chapter 5  verses 16 thru  22,  jesus illustrated,clairified and amplified the ten commandments!

    what is sin? jesus said sin is the transgression of the law, in john chapter 7 verse 19 jesus says did not moses give you the law,and yet none of you keep it ,why go ye about to kill me!

    without law there is no sin,if you read the bible you can find this all out,

    most christians dont read their bible and alot of what they believe is from what they hear other people say and believe,  putting them in danger of breaking the first commandment, believing every jesus but the real one ,very few people listened to what he said when he was here the first time and they still dont listen even tho we have his word to study today and if you do study your bible you will find out that most people wont believe anything you have to say cause the jesus in the bible aint the same jesus that they believe in. i hope this kinda helps you to understand the way most people are,like in 2nd timothy chapter 4 vs 3 and 4 the people rather hear stories then the truth!

    if you are intrested in learning more about the real jesus of the bible,

    prophesy concerning your question i can show you some mind blowing websites that expose these false churches and what truths in the bible they dont want anyone to know,  the saying the truth will set you free was never so true!  im not an authority on the bible but i question every thing and prove what ever i believe before i start believing it. the real jesus in the bible is much more believeable

       i give you a hint, jesus was the god of the old testement,dont believe me you can read it for yourself in your bible,  god bless

  10. When did God say we are to disregard any part of the Bible?

    Matthew 5:18

    I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

  11. Because this law was in the venue of a covenant between God and Israel; not God and Christians.  Christians are party to the new covenant, whose law is a law of faith; a law of the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law.

    You cannot be held to the conditions of a covenant you were not a party to, and a covenant that ended.


  12. The laws to which you refer are the Mosaic and Levitical Laws of the old covenant or agreement between man and God. Under the old covenant, animal blood had to be offered or sacrificed as atonement for a person's sin. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His blood was shed as atonement for the sin of all the world and man was given the opportunity to live under a new covenant of grace. No longer were animal sacrifices necessary. Christ did not come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. Those old covenant laws were given to the people for their benefit in order to build a healthy society, and living by those laws today would still be a healthy thing to do.  

  13. What time period are you talking about.  

    Adam obviously didn't have the same relationship that Noah did.  Noah received God's first covenant.

    Noah didn't have the same relationship that Abraham did.  Abraham was given a new covenant and a land and a promise about his children.

    Moses didn't have the same relationship that Abraham did.  Moses was given the law.  It doesn't mean the children of Abraham obeyed the law.  Most of the OT is like the book of Judges where the accounts say that Israel forgot her God.  

    Indeed, more wicked kings existed than good kings and the OT describes Israel as just as likely to be worshipping a foreign god as the God of Israel.

    Likewise, Jews have lived in Israel for 60 years and still don't have a Temple to worship in.  It isn't as if the first Temple wasn't destroyed and rebuilt according to the law of Moses.  Yet, somehow, that which mandated the rebuilding of the Temple by Moses the first time somehow doesn't mean the same thing to the Jews today.

    In spite of all these things that Jews and Christians share, you only mention Christians.  A reader of the question is left to ponder why you would single out Christians?  

    It isn't as if Jews can prove their heritage back to the destruction of 2nd Temple let alone back to Abraham.  So one is left to wonder if the use of chosen people can be used here.

    In addition, there are Jews that are allowed to be called Jews and who don't believe in God.  One would think that a belief in God would be fundamental to the qualification of being called "Jew."  But obviously not.  

    Likewise, a belief that the Messiah has come does not keep a person from being a Jew.  But believe that Jesus, who was Jewish, was the Messiah, somehow crosses the line.

    Getting past all the inconsistencies implied in your question, you act as if a new revelation from God is not possible even though Moses said there would be one greater than he that would follow.  Perhaps you need to review the revelations from Adam and know that Jesus fulfills the law.

    EDIT:  Paperback, you would need to prove your point.  The first church was made up ENTIRELY of JEWS...ENTIRELY.

    All Gentiles joining the church are "converts."  As any real Jew will tell you, converts are real Jews.

    So you would have to prove that Jews did not write the Bible before the destruction of the 2nd Temple.  The ball is in your court.  

    PS:  Quoting a Jewish sponsored website is not quoting an unbiased source.  If you won't consider the many Christian resources, the Jewish resources shouldn't be allowed is only fair.  Try something with the backing of ALL Jews.

    PAPER backed:  Would you say Nehemiah 9, was anti-Semetic ...when he called Jews the killer of the prophets?  Was it anti-Semetic when God told Ezekiel he was going to a nation of rebels?  Was Moses anti-Semetic when he called the Jews a stiff-necked people?

    Are these not the Hebrew scriptures that you say I don't read?

    Are you suggesting that believing in the Messiah is worse than not believing in God as many Reformed Jews don't believe in God?

    Name ONE rabbi that professes to hear the voice of God.  ONE.  Or name ONE prophet that said a day is coming when you will no longer hear my voice as I will not speak to you anymore but will continue to demand you to follow me with your many questions.  When Barbara Streisand and Dr. Laura can represent Judaism, don't tell me there are a bunch of questions that one word from God would not resolve and unify His people.

    And if the Messiah was to come today saying he had a word from God, who would believe?  According to your position, it has been roughly 2,500 years since a word from God  was received.   On what basis could you build a Temple when your position is that God doesn't speak or do miracles anymore and anyone who believes in these things must be a Christian?

    PS  I didn't find a topic on one of your Jewish sponsored sites that said, "Proven and undisputed lineage back to Abraham" or anything like that.  Could you provide the link?

    Green, How do you talk about Jesus and not talk about Judaism?

  14. The Old and New Testimates were primarily writen by Jews,l and others, laying the groundwork for their cultures, yet, there is some truth within each as to 'gods word".

    The Jews are not Gods chossen people by any means as this is an addition placed by the Jews for obvious reasons.

  15. The following is an exerpt from a bible set of questions dealing with Christ and the Law from the the book of Romans !!! After you answer the following questions you should come to the conclusion that we are dead to the law and are alive onto Christ !!!

    Explore It

    What illustration did Paul use to explain a Christian’s relationship to the written law? (7:1-3)

    Whom does the husband represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)

    Whom does the married woman represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)

    *To what did Paul compare the death of a woman’s husband? (7:2-5) Why?

    What is the purpose or goal of a Christian’s new life? (7:4)

    What changes a person’s relationship to the Law? (7:4-6)

    *What are the primary differences between the old life under the Law and the new life in the way of the Spirit? (7:4-6)

    What controls a person before he or she becomes a Christian? (7:5)

    *How is a person released from being bound by the Law? (7:6)

    How does the Christian’s new life compare with the old life? (7:6)  

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