
God set up this world with different countries containing different sets of humans right? Obviously he had his

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reasons and man ruined it and brought people over here that were not meant to be here! How disgusted is God that this world is so filthy now because all his work to keep people seperate has been ruined by man? This world is disgusting and its because man combined societies that were never meant to be together! You all reap what you sow now! What a shame Gods work was tampered with!




  1. You are aware that would mean no white people in either North of South America, aren't you?

  2. I have thought of that also, what would it be like if everyone just stayed where they were. No wars or anything, what would it be like.  I wonder when they drill way down in the gorund for oil what they might bring back up to the top that is 100,000 years old and if it was some sort of strange virus or something that nature took care of and we are bringing it back.  

    Then I wonder about the ancient practices of cultures and think of how bad some where until civilization hit them.  Now it seems they ran it off.

    Good quesiton.  Take care.

  3. You realize, of course, that the first offenders were Adam and Eve for leaving Eden? Now, they were chucked out of that Resort for improper fruit-inhalation.

    A few millennial clicks passed and - BAM! - Rome was marching into France, Spain, Germany and - talk about filthifying God's work - they sang their anthem, "Viva Piñata" and marched straight into England! (I guess the English Channel was dry, then. They must have changed the Channel).

    Those Godless Latin-sorts... compacting Europe and messing everything up....

    England was perfectly happy, running around naked like savages, building skyscrapers to heights spanning ONE story, killing indiscriminately and such. But the Romans changed all that. From that time to now, we've all been mongrels.

    ........Get Real!!!....


  4. Boundaries for nations to dissuade central government.Not different sets of rights.

  5. I disagree. God said "Be fruitful and multiply." To multiply, we need space. He also did not say anything like "You cannot build boats and go other places, for that is an abomination." Also, assuming that God created Adam and Eve first, then we all came from the same place (as opposed to "being set up with all these different sets of people in different places").

    Furthermore, God's will is perfect, and he can bring good out of any circumstance where someone has ended up in the "wrong place." If I'm not supposed to be in Minnesota, He will give my life a direction that will get me going somewhere else.

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