
God still alive+ but who is still sinful today.?

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  1. God is alive, all wake up in sin,ask for forgiveness everyday

  2. God is the Beginning  and the End! He was when there was nothing and He would be there when everything wound vanish!!He is eternel and Independent of wants.If He wants to create anytging , sufficient  for Him to say:"BE" and it is there!So where is te need of God to come down to earth as His own child that too for a paltry period of 33 years? To add to it, to say that the God died and would come back later, means there is an interreganum of God's rule and the sinners in that period could not be punished by such god!    

    On the other hand if one believes in a Living and  Eternal God who has created man in His own image , endowed him with the sixth sense of discretion and given him freedom of choice and action.The sinners would be guilty and liable for punishment.

  3. Yes God lives and we are all sinners there was only one that did not sin and that  was Jesus and he died for our sins.  THANK YOU JESUS

  4. God is an immortal. He's the God of the living and the dead. The redeemer of the sinners. <*-*>

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