
God this noise is sooooo annoying?

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I am sitting right next to someone who is really slirping there food and its driving me really mad !!! am i being over sensitive. really want to shout " will you please stop that " also i get really annoyed at the sound of slirping and gulping a cup of tea !! what can i say before i scream or move away !!!! AHHHHH

please make me laugh before i offend big time x




  1. Say loudly "christ its like feeding time at the zoo" as you walk away!

  2. I have a co-worker who is constantly sniffing.  I want to shove Kleenex up her nose.

    Wanna trade?

  3. I have relatives who chomp. One has bad teeth so I can handle that but the other two have good teeth are old enough to know better. The bad teeth one is middle aged. One of good teeth relatives of mine is a aldult 23 yrs old the other in high school you would think they know better by now.

    I deal with it by holding it in then ranting about it later when the three aren't here.

  4. LOL! My sister emailed me from work one day freaking out because the woman in the next cubicle was chewing potato chips with her mouth open.  Yeah, all the people in my family think that food noises are insanely irritating.  Get yourself some chips, start chompin' and see if she/he stops.  If not, just swipe your arm across the table and knock everything on the floor.  There will be nothing left to slurp.  Problem solved.

  5. Tomorrow ensure you have something with you to record this slirping and then play it continuous and I am sure the person will take the hint.

  6. Put your  i pod on then you will not hear the noisy blighters.

  7. Take your shoes off, put your feet up on the table and start clipping your toenails.  Maybe one will land in their food.

  8. lol yeah! my mum is like that with the tea and since she pointed out how annoying it is I now get really irritated by it =p

    Okay to make you laugh *(hopefully!)*

    Its a womans anniversary with her husband of 19 years.

    She goes out and buys him a very expensive watch and gives it to him on the day, thinking of the car she'll get in return that she's been hinting for months.

    He says thank you, and when she waits for something in return, he goes for work.

    She sends him an email at his work saying that if there is not something on the drive by the time she gets back from her work that goes from 0-60 in 7 seconds, the marriage is over.

    She goes home, and sees a box on the drive.She opens it up...and sees her husband has left her some weighing scales. and a note saying "stand on me"

    Hope that made you laugh! =p

  9. Oversensitive definitely.

  10. Slurrpp... oink oink

    Slurrp... oink oink

    OK, now move away from the nasty man...  as you move away, let a f**t go... ;-)

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