Godolphin pass their French exam at Longchamp. Classic trials are supposed to be a test for horses but there can be equally as exacting an examination for the humans involved.
Despite years of success, Alain de Royer-Dupre is a noted worrier at this time of year and the trials meeting at Longchamp may have done little to help his anxiety. He came away with one winner, in the Group Three Prix De Fontainebleau, but not with the horse that he had expected to take the prize.
The Fontainebleau was supposed to be the prep race for Siyouni, winner last year's Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere, prior to a run in the Poule D’Essai des Poulains. To ensure a good pace Royer-Dupre also ran a pacemaker, Rajsaman.
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