
Goggles advantages?

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What are the advantages of having mirrored swimming goggles?

Or smoke colored goggles? Clear goggles?

Thanks for your time.




  1. The color of goggles is a personal preference.

    Mirrored goggles simply look cool -- they look like smoke colored from the inside. Nobody can see your eyes, so they can't tell what you are thinking. They are easy to scratch up, though.

    Smoke or dark blue are good for outdoor swimming (like sunglasses). I usually wear smoke colored because my eyes are sensitive to the sun. They can be a little too dark for indoor pools, though.

    Yellow can help with contrast indoors, but can be a little too bright for outdoors. A college coach of mine had everyone wear yellow goggles during practices. He wanted to be able to see our eyes to know if we were suffering.  

    Hope that helps.

  2. Mirrored or smoked goggles are really good for when you swim backstroke at an outdoor pool, but the work inside too of course.  One disadvantage of using smoked out or mirrored goggles is that when you are at a meet, and the pool area is dark, its a little harder to see.  Wiht clear goggles, you definitely don't have the problem since they're clear, but when you swim backstroke outside, the sun tends to get in your eyes a lot of the time.  hope i helped. =]

  3. No idea, try to find in google
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