
Goggles at beach?

by Guest66912  |  earlier

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I'm going to Myrtle Beach in a couple days, I've been before and absolutely HATE getting the saltwater in my eyes. I will be bodyboarding as much as possible, and I just want to know if it looks stupid to wear goggles at the beach.




  1. It would look kind of funny, but if you aren't going to see anyone you know at the beach, it doesn't matter. Just wear them.

  2. ya you would

  3. oh i love Myrtle beach!! i hate i can't go this year!! i see kids wearing goggles all the time! i wouldn't worry about it because if you get enough of that water in your eyes it starts to hurt so, yea I'd wear them...get the cool ones, like swimmers wear like dark blue or mirror tint or something.....

  4. goggles arent the coolest things in the world but i wear them every now and then when i go surfing and the onshore wind is just blowing hard and the spray gets in my eye kinda blinds me you might look stupid in them but you have to just do what you have to do when youre in the line up it doesnt even matter what you look like its whose having the most fun and ripping the most waves

  5. Yeah, that's a tough call. Look cool and be blind and end up eating a shark because of it or look like a dork and be able to see. Hrrmmm.... lol Yeah, real tough call.

  6. well, honestly, i don't think that goggles are the most fashionable thing in the world, super model or hobo, but you gotta do wat ya gotta do. im sure there will be other ppl there wearing them too.
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