
Goi toi a la a noi nang noi nhe e a. cam on nhung loi noi cua a, e ko can. what's that mean in English ?

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Goi toi a la a noi nang noi nhe e a. cam on nhung loi noi cua a, e ko can. what's that mean in English ?




  1. That's mean :

    You're alway say something not nice to me when I call you . Thanks but I dont need those things .

  2. First we need to clear out something, a is abbrev. for anh (you) and e is abbrev. for em (me)

    So, I think it means:

    "calling you then you have harsh words for me. Thanks for your words, I don't need them."  

    Basically, you have offended her :(

  3. call me "a"[ something]..... thank you ,but the way to "a's" place dont need that[?!??!]

        your gona have to wait for a vietnamese to answer more thoroughly.. it has abriviations and some accent marks might help...sorry

  4. tpk_apri... got it right on the dot.

  5. i dont really know what the [a]'s and [e]'s represent, so it's a bit hard to translate but...maybe someone's name? i'm assuming though, [e] means [me] and [a] means [you]

    here's the trans anyway..

    You call me and talk in harsh tones. Thank you for your words, but i dont need them.

  6. The message you sent to me was harsh. Thank you for your words. But, I no longer need them.

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