
Going Green - Body First?

by Guest32929  |  earlier

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I've been working on revolutionizing my life one little step at a time - beginning with caring for myself, which is not my first instinct.

I want to begin taking care of myself completely. I want to know what I'm putting in my body, and avoid as much toxic as possible. I have IBS and PCOS and nothing helps. Next weekend I'm beginning a 9 day cleanse and I want to be able to completely change what I'm consuming.

I already drink filtered water (though not enough daily), but what are some little known, widely-consumed items that are not too healthy?

Other tips? Shampoos? Soaps? Lotions? Detergents? Cleaners? Lighting?




  1. Ok. I totally have the answer for you! There is a website called they have a healthy and green living section that is awesome. It has home remedies and natural cures for everything.There are a ton of articles on how to eat and be healthy. Also if you are TTC diet can really help! Please check out this website I will put some links below to some great articles. Good luck and good for you.....I have 3 kids and they are great miracles and I really hope you are able to experiance this for yourself.


  2. Not to sound all conspiracy theory, but beware of ANY product that is on the market.  Don't believe anything anyone tells you unless it's a government regulated term like USDA organic.  Here's why:

    1. Parabens

    Food and Drug says they're safe, but the government also said that polyvinychloride was safe in the '60's even though it dissolved people's fingers.  Preservatives don't belong in your products.  If you can't find what you want commercially, buy some vegetable glycerin and make shampoo and body wash yourself.

    2.  Sodium Laureth Sulfate (and its many variations):


    This stuff is just nasty, and for people with sensitive skin, it's extremely harsh.  I stopped using products with this c**p in it years ago, and my skin is much healthier.  So is my hair.

    3.  GMO's: Genetically modified organisms: Will kill us all.

    Europe said h**l NO to GMO's, but our lovely gov't pushed them right on through to the food supply.  Almost every well known brand, unless it says that it doesn't use GMO's, does use them.  The large agribusinesses that run the food supply use them extensively, like ConAgra.  Your Kellogg's, your Sunbeam, your tomatoes...just about everything.  Why would they do this? To make the plants resistant to pesticides, insects, drought, travel name it.  Why not just buy stuff that's local?  Or make it yourself?  All food does not have to come from the grocery store, but if it does, READ THE LABEL.

    PS-GMO's are thought to be a factor in the Bee Colony Collapse Disorder.  GMO's have been found in baby bee larvae that died--that should make us all VERY wary.

    There's also, where you can look for farm markets and CSA's (a "farm share", if you will)--I signed up for one this year in Richmond, VA, and it's a fantastic deal.  

    4. You can make almost every household cleaner yourself with vinegar, water, lemons, and baking soda.  It's cheap, easy, and cleans the c**p out of stuff.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should beware any brand name and mass produced product.  The companies exist to make money, and that should make you wary in the first place.  People can be a lot more self-sufficient than they think, but it's difficult to remember that if one let's oneself be brainwashed by advertising.  

    You may want to start by researching some of the current products that you use.  Do you know what the ingredients are?  Are they even listed (this is usually a bad sign)?  Who made it? Was it imported, or trucked from somewhere far away?  These are all important questions.  Check it out and then go from there.

  3. You're doing the right thing by starting out slow and taking little steps because the reality of what goes in and around our bodies and environment is overwhelming! I try and pick the things I can afford and control with a family of 4. My main goals are to stay away from synthetic hormones (we use organic milk, natural beef) and anything that is strong with chemicals (I make my own cleaners using vinegar and essential oils...actually works better than most store cleaners). Of course, I can't keep this up ALL the time, but I think doing what you can when you can makes a difference. My daughter's 16 and she's proof my efforts have not been in vain. She developed at a normal time (13, menstration 14)...that's almost unheard of now days). I also have PCOS and find the symptoms  less due to our attempts at a more natural home. Just always do research and choose natural, chemical-free as much as possible ( don't even get me started on traditional sun screen, ha ha). Good Luck!

  4. when you say "filtered" water - do you mean bottled? or filtered tap?

    bottled water is rediculously overpriced and wastefull on the environment..very bad for you health wise this link to understand why its so bad

    biggest thing you can do to your body that will have the BIGGEST positive effects on the enviroment - is a tubal ligation.. have no - or only 1 kid... more people = more consumers..

    buy in bulk

    shop at second hand stores for clothing.. beleive it or not - some is actually new...

  5. I know that Main and Tails (a horse shampoo you can find at any animal supply store) is great for human hair.   I know its good to alternate your shampoo, and condiner reguarlarly, because no ONE shampoo has ALL of what you need.  So Variety is the spice of life here.  

            I know that fast food burgers come pretty much straight from the Devils bung hole.  If you knew the conditions those cows go through, and the amount of illegal immigrants working at those slaughter houses, you would NEVER want to eat at a fast food joint again.   The fecal count in those burgers is off the charts.

             I know that corn and wheat that have been genetically spliced with soy to grow faster have killed people who were illergic to soy because they didn't even know they were eating soy.   I also know that genetically alternating veggies and fruits is making genetically stronger insects.  That is insects that are more immune to more pestecides.

              I know that little girls who have eaten food that was grown with growth hormones have started expirencing their periods and even baring children at younger ages.

               There is too much information to give specifics.  Just try google.

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