
Going Green ...!?

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OK, It is because I want to go GREEN that I would like someone to help me and tell me the best of how and what would be the best in trying to cut the energy spending on using a boiler at full but with using the least energy.

I live in the UK the boiler is a potterton or something like that. Is it more energy efficient to leave it on all day now in the winter at a lower temperature (22 C) or it would be better to put it on and off at a higher temperature. What do you think, please advise !

Serious answers only as I am quite serious on this. Thanks a million!




  1. Permaculture Bell is quite right.  Your boiler need only be on for a few hours a day and you should experiment with turning the thermostat down a degree or two at a time until you find the minimum that works.

  2. Hi,

    I would think that keeping the boiler on all day at a lower temperature would be a better option as it is not taking much energy(gas) to keep the house at the same temperature, if you keep on switching on and off would take more energy - but this is only an opinion and I am not an expert.

  3. Buy yourself a programmable thermostat and set it to turn on half an hour before you get up then to go off as you leave, do the same for when you return home.

    More important than that, check your insulation is adequate, lag your tank and pipes then check for drafts. Walk around your house with a lighted candle, check door seals, check around windows, then seal them. Put automatic door closures on the main living room door, only heat that room to a sitting temperature, the rooms you are not sitting in, that is those you are only in for a short time, can have the thermostats turned right down just to prevent the pipes freezing.

    We can only really feel the DIFFERENCES in temperature, which is why when people get used to a certain temperature they keep turning up the heat. It works the opposite way too, make your 'sitting' room warm leave the rest of the house at a maintenance temperature. Go out for a walk, keep moving, you will find you need less heat on in the house.

    Why not just put on an extra jumper or a hat, use a blanket to cover your knees and feet when you are sitting or a good old fashioned hot water bottle. Similarly take a hot water bottle with a furry cover to bed with you, very comforting and a lot, lot cheaper too.

  4. My suggestion would be for you to keep the temp low, and use your windows and doors to regulate the temp you order to keep your rooms at a reasonable temp, try using your curtains at night in conjunction with door opening.
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