
Going RVing w/baby.... help?

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Anyone ever taken a 5 month old RVing? First time for us...going for just a few days, but I really have to pack up the whole house for my little guy.... He's never slept in a pack n play, but will in the RV, so I'm concerned, because he's a pretty good sleeper in his crib. Do you think 4 nights in a different bed, or sleeping with us, in case he's uncomfortable, will change his habits when we get home? Just curious if I'm worried over nothing.. I just feel like he's too young for it, but my its for hubbies birthday.




  1. Hi there, Babies are pretty adjustable and if was fussy about sleeping anyway then you would have more of a problem, I would suggest avoiding him sleeping with you as this could be a habit easily picked up and hard to break when you get home.  Take his blankets and favourite things so he feels a sense of home.

    Good luck and enjoy your holiday and if you are able to relax I am sure he will be fine.. :)

  2. if you have a few days before you leave, can you let him sleep in the pack in play to get use to it?  

  3. We've been avid campers since both my husband and I were young children.  We've been married 31 years and our kids are now 29, 26, 23, and 11.  We took our oldest on her first camping trip for a weekend when she was only 3 weeks old.  We tent camped at the time.  She did fine and we camped throughout the rest of the summer and into the fall.  We even went on a house boat for 5 days when she was 2 1/2 months old.  By the time our older 3 were in school we had bought a small pop-up camper.  When our 11 year old came along, we'd worn out our pop-up and were back to tenting again.  No need to pack up the whole house, an RV is luxury camping and they come equipped with just about everything you could want.  I breast fed all my kids so we'd just pack up enough diapers, wipes, and an assortment of clothes for every weather and off we'd go.  The pack-n-play worked fine.  Try letting him sleep in it at home for naps or even for a few nights just to see how he does and to get him used to it before the trip.  It'll be fun and the RV will be a wonderful thing if the weather turns out to be rainy or exceptionally hot.  

  4. I would say as long as you keep him on the same schedule pattern as you do at home it will be fine! And he should sleep good in the RV, babies usually sleep good in vehicles.

    Good Luck!

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