
Going away for a year. Costa Rica?

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So I am going to be 16 when I leave to go study abroad and I had some questions about Costa Rica. whats it like lliving in a regular town there? yaknow when your not just some rich white dude staying in your summer house for 2 weeks or something. Like what is it really like? Lots of babes? how are the schools, and nightlife?




  1. The nightlife is great, but I think that you have to be 18.  I really like the town of Monte Verde.  The schools system is good in this country also.

  2. I was an exchange student to CR and lived with a family in a regular small town and all that.  First, beware that you will be a sight for a while, you are new and white and interesting.  Your actions will be public knowledge especially in a small town.  Second, try hard to learn the language, this is your opportunity and it will serve you well in your future.  Third, don't over pack, most things can be bought there.  People will welcome you into the community and you will have friends.  Also, most people go to church, the men often don't, it will be your choice.  I encourage you to go occasionally if your famiy does as a good will gesture.  Also try to find out what kind of school you will be attending.  Some are like our schools and some are also trade schools, if you have to pick a class caller Taller you are in a trade school and you can expect a school day of 7am to 4pm.  If you have any questions please let me know, I'd be more than happy to answer what I can.  Pura Vida!

  3. At 16 you shouldnt be concerned with nightlife. I spent 6 months in Costa Rica . I think it is a great opportunity for you and if you are not the type that gets homesick. I highly recomend going there.

  4. Well I experienced a lot of Costa Rican towns and they're not all the same. Tamarindo has a lively night life.  San Jose has more Ticos.  The smaller towns are more beautiful and just exotic.

  5. If you don't want to be eaten alive by mosquitoes (and get malaria), take Vitamin B1 once a day. You might smell weird after taking it, but at least you won't get eaten by bugs.

  6. Lots of very cute bronze "Ticas".  The culture is friendly.  I think you'll have a great time.  You lucky dog.

  7. Costa Rica is awesome. The first time I went there was on a study abroad but I was a bit older 21 years old. I had a blast and it was the best experience of my life so far and it has been 12 years since then.

  8. You are in for a CULTURAL shock ... not necessarily a bad one.

    All meals have white rice and beans.  Lunch and dinner beans, rice a meat portion (usually cooked with onions, peppers & celantro) and a salad. Traditional breakfast is Gallo Pinto (yeaterdays left over rice and beans reheated with extra onion, pepper & celantro added) served with an egg or sour cream or even a pork chop.

    The public schools leave a lot to be desired, but there are several good private schools in the Capital.

    Night life for a 16 yr old is difficult.  There are movie theaters only the the biggest cities.  There are a few bowling alleys, again in the Capital city.  No such thing as a teen center or High school prom.  

    The girls are really pretty, and naive.  Lots of 16 year old girls are mothers I'm sad to say.  If you don't pass HS tests on the third try, you are out.  Then they go to night school to get a diploma.

    It's a beauitful country and the people are really nice.

    Pura Vida (pure life) is the main saying here.

    Things are cheap, unless you go to McDonalds (in the biggest cities only), they have US prices.

    There are outrageously beautiful beaches.  The more touristy the more expensive.

    Do you know what area you will be going to??

    Hope you enjoy the experience.

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