
Going back to meat after vegetarian - advice?

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I'm slowly reintroducing meat into my diet after 11 years of veggie/fish/dairy only (due to vitamin deficiencies + other). I want to stay with strictly free-range organic meats but they are incredibly expensive. Any advice on good quality ethical meats (if there is such a thing) that aren't so pricey?




  1. No such thing as ethical meat. Making an animal suffer and die for your own means is wrong, no matter how 'humanely' they have been raised.

    Nothing that is in meat cannot be obtained elsewhere. Millions of vegans today are living testament that a diet without even any animal products can be perfectly healthy.

    Your approach to pescetarianism (no meat but fish) is probably what has caused this vitamin deficiency, not the diet itself. Do a little research and find out what you need to be eating other than meat.

  2. go slow with meat because your body was used to non rough fats and oils. so go slow with the meet if you want to avoid stomach problems.

  3. who told you that you needed meat to get the vitamins?   why not take a vitamin supplement?  You never hear of any health problems that Hindu's have from not eating animals ever.  And many of those are among the poorest people in the world.  There are always other ways.

  4. Eat Halal or Kosher.

    They are very clean and you can trust the hygiene, especially for Halal, since Muslims are not allowed to eat animals killed cruelly or animals that haven't been slit at the throat. Slitting the throat makes all the blood drain from the body of the animal leaving no toxins, dsiease etc left.

    "Central to the Halal method is the treatment of the animals with the utmost respect and the slaughtering with the minimum amount of pain. The actual slaughtering method used means, unlike western methods, the animal is totally relaxed and consequently there is very little increase in adrenaline resulting in more tender meat. The draining of the blood and the removal of the spinal cord means that all bacteria and toxins are removed from the meat, resulting in a longer shelf life. Any worries about BSE are also eliminated as all National Halal Food Group animals are not fed on artificial feed products."

    It is also similar with kosher products.

  5. I'm a vegetarian too :) that stinks that you have to go back to meat-eating.  But I understand. I would recommend kosher? It only give the good cuts of meat, the front of the animal. It's also inspected and blessed. It's a more pricey then reg. meat. But not terribly expensive. And maybe once your health is back on track you can become a vegetarian once again! just make sure to take your B12 tablets and eat plenty of beans, peanuts, and VEGGIES! good louck <33 =D

  6. There is no such thing as inexpensive ethical meat, and no vitamin deficiencies will be magically cured by the consumption of meat.

    Unless trolls have different nutritional requirements.....  

  7. Shop kosher, or halel if you can find them. Very clean,pure, and inspected.

  8. I tried going back to meat and it made me very ill, so I went back to vegan.  

    So I can only suggest doing it very, very, very slowly. And the only meat worth eating is certified organic.

    The question should be: Why is non-organic so cheap?

    Rather than why is organic so expensive! You should watch a film called "The Future of Food", to answer that question.

    If you follow a well balanced vegetarian diet you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need. So my mind boggles, what on earth were you eating (or not eating) before to develop a deficiency? Makes me wonder if you are being serious or not! Especially since you say you were eating fish in the same breath as saying you are a vegetarian. I am confused.


  9. to answer the question, i have no clue.

    advise, take it slow. your body might reject the first few serving of meat. I had a friend who was a vegetarian for long time, then ate a hamburger at a BBQ, and had to have her stomach pumped. Not a fun deal.

    more advise, takea  supplement if you are lacking in vitamins. They cost 35 cents a day. Cheaper than meat.

  10. anything good quality and ethical is going to be expensive.

    Perhaps if you joined a co-op or perhaps if you can find it a barter group you might find better bargains such as a group purchase of a side of prime beef and split evenly or sold at the per lb price of the whole side.

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