
Going by implications of Genesis 2:7, shouldn't humans get slickenfibres?

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Gotta love Y!A Spellcheck. It wanted me to change that to "loganberries".




  1. Volunteer at a nursing home.  Slickenfibres abound.

  2. Curved or Quartz?

    I see the joke. We do have "faults" don't we.

  3. What?

  4. Genesis 2.7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

      Definitely not!  You need to  remember this is the first man who received God's breathe or in Hebrew God's Spirit.  God will not give anything to harm or destroy His own creation.  However, there is consequences of what Adam and Eve disobedience to God and that is separation to God or what we known us Sin or death.  Remember God made man in His own image like God last for eternity but because of unbelief in Him death is the penalty of our action of unbelief.  Spiritual death.  But through the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ we are save through faith by receiving and accepting Him into your heart.

  5. Cute...Did you think of that on your own or did you have help?

    And to answer your question...No.  We were made form the dust of the earth, molded and transformed into living, breathing, flesh and bone, bodies.  Our bodies will not be experiencing any slickenfibres.

  6. realy no fault line so no Slickenfibres.

    mineral fibres that grew during the fault movement, known as slickenfibres, which also show the direction of displacement. Due to irregularities in the fault plane exposed slickenfibres typically have a stepped appearance that can be used to determine the sense of movement across the fault.

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