
Going by what we hear Camilla say off the top of her head, isn't she the greatest raconteur in all France?

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Going by what we hear Camilla say off the top of her head, isn't she the greatest raconteur in all France?




  1. The Duchess of Cornwall is not French.  Of course, you have the right to have your own personal opinion of the Duchess.  I respect the Duchess of Cornwall.

    best of luck to you.

  2. France?  Why?

  3. She appears to be a dried apricot. That is all I have to say about her.

  4. Hi ornery one, I see they let you back on here.  Give it a rest will ya, it is Sunday after all.

  5. "raconteur". A very big word for such a small, fury creature so early in the morning.  :)

    We can't be bothered right now.  We are having our morning coffee, toast and orange marmalade.


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