
Going camping in a trailer with period :( help?

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Im going camping tomorrow and i have my period. the worst thing is that im going in a trailer, not a tent. and theres a bathroom in this trailer. and at the end of the trip my grandparents will find out that i had it when they empty the thinger. and i refuse to tell them. so WHAT DO I DO?!?!?! im soooo scared. (ps i cant use tampons).




  1. Eeek!  You can get some sandwich bags - or the scented doggy bags if you fancy - and take them to put in your used sanitary towels and then you can throw them away and nobody will know!  Don't worry, just try and forget all about it and you'll have a great time!

  2. Even if they did notice they wouldn't say anything. I agree with Fran, take the tupperwear thing and keep it in the bag you'll be carrying around with you. You'll be fine!!

  3. Do you imagine that your Mother and Grandmother have not experienced this act of nature?

    I'm sure they would be pleased to know, as they would be sure you were not pregnant.

  4. I don't really get the issue here?

    Take a small plastic pot or something sealable, an old tupperware.

    When you go the loo take your pad and wrap it tightly in paper, then you can go to your little tupperware pot and put it in there until you have a chance to go to a bin to dispose it.

    Or are you worried about them seeing blood in the water thing at the end? To be honest those things hold alot of water and you probably won't be able to see it it will be so diluted.

    A side note, try using tampons. I don't mean for the camping trip, but just keep trying. I couldn't do it for years and now I can and its the best thing ever, it makes life so much easier. Once you've done it once its so easy!

  5. Dispose of it hygienically somewhere. Not a nice thought but its the only thing you can do apart from telling them....they won't say anything, they probably have an idea anyway.

  6. Im not an expert on these thngs, but I think a sealable bag would do the trick. Wrap them in tissue, pop them in the bag and then throw them in the bin.

    You often see notes in hotels asking you not to flush things down the toilet but to put them in a bag in the bathroom bin. Do the same in the trailer - bin them.

  7. Don't worry. Why can't you tell them?

  8. Why can't you use tampons? Just tell them you are on your period... It's nothing to be ashamed of. All women do it. Well, you either tell them, or you don't go. They probably know you've had your period. I mean, think about it.

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