
Going clubbing, drinking, dancing but want to feel as fresh as I can in morning. Advice?

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I am going out clubbing tomorrow night but have work on Friday morning at 9am. I want to get relatively drunk and dance until 3am but want to feel fresh as possible when I wake up at 8am.

What advice would you give? Water? Foods to take before/after? Should I sleep for a few hours before I start to get ready to go out?




  1. Make sure you eat at IHOP in between, drink lots of water, those Robotussin tablets come in handy before bed, take with lot's of water, and drink an energy drink when you wake up, and make sure you have some Visine in case.

  2. If you can, take a disco nap. Start early and drink heavily until around 11pm, then nurse beers for the rest of the night to keep your buzz. Drink lots of water and gatorade. When you get home, take a couple of tylenol and maybe some 420. Drink lots of water and gatorade. If you wake up early enough, go to the gym and sweat it out. Drinks lots of water and gatorade.

  3. Why even go out to drink? You can have fun without being drunk. Why would you want to stress yourself out? Go to work with a healthy mind and body.

  4. before you go to bed take two aspirin,advil,whatever,eat a banana and a glass of v8 or tomato juice and repeat when you get up in the morning,the potassium in the v8 and banana help a lot.!

  5. Try to eat before you go out- line the stomach.

    Water is a fantastic defense against hangovers- drink loadsa it b4 u go to bed.. extra tip: get ur hands on some Milk Thistle <available in pharmacies and health food stores- its real cheap and lasts ages>, if u add 7/8 drops of it to a glass of water b4 bed it works wonders.

    In the morning, try to eat if you can but definitely brush ur teeth real well, i always find a real fresh mouth can lead ya ta feel refreshed <chewing gum to continue the freshness>.

    Also get u sum 'optrex'- really brightens up ur eyes, makes u feel awake... Enjoy!! :)

  6. Go out clubbing, get drunk, but try not to get overly drunk. Set yourself a limit & stick to it no matter what. You should know your limits.

    Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch & dinner, and make sure you drink you 2 litres of water that day. When you get out of the club, maybe go for somethin to eat & have a bottle of water. Then go to bed and sleep it off. You need rest for energy and to feel refreshed the next day.

    If you wake up with a hangover, take painkillers, and have some water. Burnt toast is ment to help hangovers, cos of the carbon, but you can put somethin sweet on it to take the bad taste away. A banana might help too. Coke (coca-cola) is ment to have settling properties in it, if you have an upset stomach.

    I usually have a sports drink, like orange lucozade sport cos it has vitamins and minerals in it and it helps to rehydrate you. Then i'd have my lunch, with V8 vegetable juice or tomato juice, as thats got vitamins in it aswell, and its good for you.

  7. i have lots of experience with this. in my experience, this is going to make you suffer! u will be very unlikely to feel fresh if you've been drinking and only slept for a couple of hours. dont forget transport time.

    but i know what its like. so:

    drink as much water as you can handle before

    take a vitamin tablet

    eat fruits and vegetables right up until before you go (this seems to work, i think it stocks you up on vitamins)

    when you're out, grab a burger and fries

    eat a snack when you're back home

    STAY AWAKE after you stop drinking, sipping water for a short time before you sleep - this is a key step and sounds counter-intuitive!

    have some greasy food on standby for the morning and get some milk down with it

    This is the best you can hope for. if you drink a lot, you will pay the price and friday will probably be a very unhappy day for you! but thursday will probably make up for it!!

    LOL have fun!! You have to live as well as work. Just phone in sick if it's really bad. Don't make yourself go, unless you're sure u can handle it.

  8. water.......drink 1 pint before you go to bed..

  9. Drink one alcholic drink, then one glass of water, one alcholic drinnk, one water, etc.

    Might not get as drunk as you normally would, but it keeps you from dehydrating, thus you will feel better in the morning.

  10. I've found the key to feeling good the next day is eating something when I'm done going out... Lately it's been breakfast at Denny's at 3am... Usually eggs and some toast. You don't want to eat anything too heavy because it will give you a stomach ache. I also find drinking water before and after helps a ton. I also drink water while I'm out. When you're dancing you get dehydrated and then the alcohol just makes that worse so replenishing your fluids will keep the hangover away. Some of those waters infused with electrolytes help a ton too.

    Also take two ibuprofen or tylenol before you got to bed. It keeps the headache at bay and also helps with any muscle aches from the wild night.

    Have fun but remember to be SAFE!

  11. try eating something absorbent prior to going out, like bread/ pasta. while you're out drink water in between drinks if you can, and when  you get home.

  12. The best thing to eat before going out clubbing is a combination of cheese and chips (fries).  In my experience they are the best stomach liners your benefits can buy.

  13. My crazy fun loving adult daughter has never missed a day from work after a night on the town...she swears by this. Before going to bed...drink a pint of water with a vitamin c tablet, take 2 pain killers...then in the morning eat lots of toast with jam and butter and wash it down with a cup of tea...not coffee...

  14. go out, enjoy yourself but don't drink alcohol

  15. My advice would be, don't drink and come home early.

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