
Going for a 2nd stage interview for P/T Deputy Manager at a Nursery, they want to know expected salary.?

by  |  earlier

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I am to take an application form where I need to state my expected salary and the minimum I'd be prepared to take. I have just finished a high level training course: EYPS (Early Years Professional Status) equivalent to Level 6. This is a bit like a PGCE - very intensive one year course where they pack a lot of training into a short amount of time.

So this job would be a job share, 2 long days (07.45-18.00ish) a week.

I have no idea what salary would be reasonable? I don't want to appear as if I have no knowledge of what I'm worth, as they can access funding to support my salary (Graduate Leader fund) but also don't want to appear arrogant or sell myself short.

Thank you.




  1. I have the eyps and your employers can apply for the funding to enhance your salary by 5000 a year, so be sure to access this funding. The employer should be paying you around 15-18 a year, so add the funding to that, pro rata of course.

  2. can you check out similar jobs on the internet and see what the usual salary is ?--I've no idea myself-sorry

      edit------I'd ask for a bit more than half

  3. Just ask for whatever you think is fair. Don't worry so much. I'm sure that they will negotiate anything that you suggest to whatever it is that they actually want to pay you.

    Don't stress. You'll do fine.

  4. I m a nursery nurse DCE (level 3) i do 20 hours a week and my yearly income in just under £6k.. which i have been told is a low amount to be paid.  You will have extra responsibulty than me and only 4k more (althought id love that in my pocket) is only £76 a week more than me... which means u will get about £180ish a week. I dont have a clue about my deputy manageers salarys feel cheeky to ask them..  plus other things to take in account is where u live, I live in a particular low income area, so average wasges round here are lower. Sorry i cant help much, id ask for about £12k U are more than qualified to work as deputy...

  5. check vacancy websites,

    phone your local authority - they will have council run nurseries and should be able to tell you the grades for nursery managers etc

    At your interview ask what their salary scale is, explain you are bringing a lot of experience and qualifications to the post and would hope that the salary, would be commensurate with this, though bearing in mind it will be pro rata and possibly term time only.

    The other thing to remember that if your salary is not competitive you will go elsewhere

    Good luck

    If you do half the hours you are paid half the salary

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